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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Yeah, they've been having some serious issues the last month or so with their customer service system. They did some big upgrade to their billing system and it screwed everything up. So now whenever you have a problem you either have to just wait it out or redial 8-10 times before getting through then sit on hold for at least a half hour. Didn't have any problems with their service until the last month or so where we've had 2 relatively big issues (1-2 days of awful pixelation/HD channels missing and about a half day of the awful pixelation and our internet being slowed to a crawl) but I'm hoping they get their shit figured out soon. Right now probably isn't the best time to make a switch to WOW though.
  2. My friend is an A&M fan and he says they have several kids who won't make it in academically including 5-star WR Derrick Griffin. Then I believe they have room for 8 early entrants. But yeah, they seem to be fitting right in there in the SEC...lol.
  3. I think Price is definitely destined for the OL. Could be way off but it's been talked about for a long time. I didn't pay much attention to Munger's recruitment because there wasn't much to pay attention to really but I did read he can do both as well. Obviously Hill, Sprinkle, Bosa and Lewis are straight defense so I guess they can toy with the other 2 if they want.
  4. U mad u jelly u sad u smelly
  5. 4* DL Donovan Munger committed. Weird stuff with him. On Friday people were saying he wasn't doing his visit and everyone had him going to UCLA then it was clarified that he wasn't wasting an official visit on OSU and was here for an unofficial then he just commits...lol. I think Tracy Sprinkle (currently a 3*) is actually better than Munger. Urban loves DL depth though.
  6. The thing is, the faster, more open and more easily connectable your connection is (ie. if you have all your ports forwarded properly and have a really good connection) the worse you get screwed. The only reason they put that message out there is because so many of those people with good connections are nerfing their own connections now to try and gain an advantage and to simply remove themselves from the host race because of the host disadvantage now created by this awful form of lag compensation. Activision basically just wants to use all of us as free servers. On that note, I just unlocked diamond camo for all my specials. Combat knife, ballistic knife, crossbow and assault shield. Yeah, I know you're all jelly. Have diamond shotguns and specials now. Will likely move on to launchers now.
  7. Team celebration thingy from St. John tonight... http://www.10tv.com/content/sections/video/breaking.html Team and Urban haven't come out yet but looks like they will soon.
  8. I'd have Lee as a LB candidate before Lewis. Still hoping to get Mitchell sometime in the new few days even though his dad couldn't come with him due to a recent medical procedure or something that prevented him from flying. Hopefully Mike likes what he sees, goes home and discusses it with his parents then announces his commitment.
  9. Yeah, best really does nothing. The best part of all of this is my gameplay is at its worst when I play with a group of people from around Columbus. When I play with my friends in North Dakota, Texas, Georgia, etc. I have much better experiences mixed in with the usual garbage. All of this is just Activision pushing COD more towards casual gamers. Started with Black Ops 1, continued into MW3 and again in Black Ops 2 (even though they conned serious/more competitive players into buying this title with their awful League Play crap). Continually increase hipfire effectiveness and buff the connections of people who are connected to the internet wirelessly through their microwaves and toaster ovens.
  10. It's amazing to think about. The insane amount of bitching my friends and I did about MW3's lag compensation and somehow, some way... Treyarch outdid them...lol. Night the game came out I realized it was the same if not worse and stopped caring about the game immediately. I just run around like a crazy person and "roll the dice" as I like to say (much to fellow CR member Spankis' dismay) and see if I win the lag compensation lottery from encounter to encounter. Got diamond shotguns. Working on diamond specials (crossbow, ballistic knife, assault shield) now. K/D is around half what it was in other COD games because it's just a joke and I treat it as such.
  11. I loved how cocky and crazy Tennessee fans during their short stint with Kiffin where he dominated recruiting then fizzled a bit on the field and bolted for USC after just 1 year. That was hilarious. Then Dooley and his speech about having to teach his players how to properly wash themselves to avoid jock itch was gold. I don't think Jones is a bad hire but I agree with the Bearcats contingent on here... he's not a HUGE loss like Kelly was. He may be very successful at Tennessee. At the very least I can see him bringing them back above .500 regularly...lol. But unless Cincy completely whiffs on their replacement (they've shown an uncanny ability to just plug and play over the last several years) they'll be fine. Wonder if Fickell gets a look. Bearcats, any word on who you're looking at yet? I'd have to think you guys were putting lists together over the last few days with Jones going to Purdue, Colorado then finally Tennessee for real.
  12. When it was 16 I thought it would be silly. At 20 it's almost a necessity because you can't have 2 10-team divisions as you would either have to skip playing all of the teams in your own division or play none of the teams in the other. Here are some more info things from nevada's guy in that thread. Some may be a bit repetitive as he was answering questions from posters...
  13. Quick is really up in the air now with Strong staying at Louisville. Everyone thought he would move on to bigger and better things after this season. Like I said a page or two ago, Louisville landing in the ACC really helped them in holding onto Strong. Bell has always been 50/50 at best. Thinking Bama on that one now but OSU still has some in-home type stuff I guess. Mitchell is still all OSU according to everything I've read. He will be in town this weekend and could leave as a commit. Hoping to pick him and Gareon Conley up this weekend as commits. Just getting those 2 would move OSU's class up to #6 in the country on Scout. Still a lot of time left. Think of it this way... at this time last year Urban had only been on the job about 2 weeks and OSU had the finish they ended up having. They have all the silver lining advantages this season that they had last season (Urban and his guys didn't have to deal with bowl prep last season and don't this season either - all focus is on recruiting) plus a full staff and a smaller focus of spots to fill. nevada keeps saying there will be more and more names popping up in the coming weeks as Urban casts a very wide net to finish this class.
  14. Some interesting stuff being discussed on Scout regarding B1G expansion. Same guy who said Maryland and Rutgers over a year ago giving nevada his info today. Here's the main post and I'll add more as I scour through the giant thread...
  15. Or not. Lots of reports saying he's working on an extension with Louisville now. Louisville getting into the ACC probably had a lot to do with him even considering sticking around. Probably not good news for OSU and James Quick.
  16. Will be interesting to see how Bielema does. He's going to have to adapt the SEC recruiting style immediately if he wants to do anything at all. As others have said, he cried about Urban's recruiting tactics the second he arrived on the scene. Well... get ready to deal with stuff 10x worse than anything Urban does in recruiting. Maybe he wants that and wants to be able to do it and get away with it. You can't get away with blatantly dirty recruiting anywhere outside of the south so maybe he decided if he was going to get the SEC-style recruiting up here minus the bags of cash he might as well dive in down there. Glad to see Hazell land a BCS conference job. Hope he does really well and keeps moving on up. Couldn't believe it last night when I looked him up on Wikipedia and saw he was already 48. Charlie Strong has to be the next Tennessee HC.
  17. Had this exact thought the other day. I think the championship game might actually be good and I'm going to watch it unlike last year where I didn't watch one second. But who do I want to win? I'd like to see the SEC lose because they need to be knocked down a peg or two. But do I want to see ND win? And all the crap that would come with that? Although, seeing Lou Holtz torment Mark May for the next year or so because ND won a title would be hilarious. But at the same time, just like you, I'd like to see OSU and Urban be the ones to end the reign next year. It's all pretty confusing...lol. But in the end I think I go with Bama and hope that OSU can make it to the game next year and end what they inadvertently started.
  18. If he leaves I'd love to see Hazell get the job.
  19. I thought going into the B1G championship game that the B1G had a chance to keep things close in some of the games. But then that game happened and 5-loss Wisconsin put up 70 on an actual division champ... no idea anymore. And now Butch Jones is in talks with basically any school with black and gold colors it seems.
  20. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    I know all that. That's why I said she won't come close to being the fan favorite she was in the comic on the TV show. The retaliation I was referencing that earned her respect was the comic version.
  21. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    Don't think Merle/Daryl/Andrea teaming up/fighting their way out is going to happen (just going off the preview for the 2nd half of the season - not sure if you watched that or if anyone else did so won't discuss it). And I get why they're jerks to Michonne. They have little/no idea who she is but blindly followed her to Woodbury because of Maggie and Glenn then in the middle of shit going down she disappears. Michonne isn't going to be close to the fan favorite she was in the comics with all the stuff they had to tone down for the TV show. She was always kinda bitchy and a loner even in the comics but she had good reason and proved herself eternally badass with her retaliation on the Governor. Personally thought the episode was pretty good. Gunfights were shitty/non-existent but I think that was part of the plan with all the smoke/gas grenades. I'm glad the Governor is still a great manipulator with his propaganda tactics like he was in the comics. Does all this awful shit behind the scenes then plays the scared victim/noble leader card in front of his people like it's nothing.
  22. NIU fo' life! Probably going to get raped much in the same fashion that Cincy did when they played Florida with Florida playing what they thought was their last game under Meyer and Cincy playing a game without their HC. Just read an article on Doeren going to NC State... didn't know he was only 41. Also thought he might end up somewhere a little higher up the food chain than NC State.
  23. Looks like at least the Pickerington area is being hit by bad issues right now. Last time all the pixelation crap/missing HD channels happened it was just my TV. Now my internet is having problems as well. About to go through the ~45 minute call to get some credits. lol... nevermind the phone call I guess. Just getting a busy signal when I call their support line. GG.
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