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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. My internet has been fine through all of this but I tried watching The Walking Dead off my DVR last night and it was too pixelated to watch. Then later last night channels were dropping off and this morning most were not working at all. As long as my internet keeps on trucking I'll be fine. Unless it's not fixed before The Game on Saturday. Then people will die.
  2. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    Thought it was really good. Was kinda sad to see that Maggie is likely going to take Michonne's place in the Governor stuff though...................
  3. OSU AP National Champs! Let's gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! lol
  4. Should have the best LB trio they've had all season out there for the game as well in Shazier, Sabino and Boren. I think OSU's run defense is actually #1 in the conference right now. Or at least it was going into the bye week.
  5. Yeah, I read that WOW was having some issues with Youtube. Weird.
  6. http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e202/bionicjoe/Animated%20GIFs/yesitis2.gif
  7. Nooo... we want them all to loooooose. AP National Chaaaaaamps!
  8. Yeah, both carrier classic games scheduled for last night ended up canceled for the same reason. OSU's in Charleston then Florida had a game in Jacksonville on another carrier. Definitely have to rethink doing those games late on the east coast.
  9. Read a rumor that Urban might be on ESPN as an analyst during some bowl week stuff. Would be another awesome thing for OSU recruiting-wise. 11-1 or 12-0, can't go to a bowl, Urban gets his face all over ESPN again. Recruiting dead period from December 17th through January 3rd so it wouldn't take away from any of those responsibilities.
  10. Hoping Roby stays. Hankins is probably gone. DB is fairly easy if Roby stays because Johnson wasn't technically a starter. You'd still have Roby, Bryant and Barnett then toss Doran Grant at the other CB position. Hopefully Bogard recovers quickly enough from his ACL to be the Star. Linebacker... yeah... need some young guys to step up. Curtis Grant especially. Staff seems to like Cam Williams a lot. Josh Perry too. Then you hope guys like Marcus and Perkins start learning the defense a bit since they're fantastic athletically. DL... starters with Hankins gone would likely be Spence, Schutt/Washington, Hale and Bennett. Miller has supposedly been great in practice but hasn't shown much of anything on game day. And I think incoming freshman Joey Bosa is going to see some playing time early just like Spence, Washington and Schutt did this year. So my projected starting defense for next year with absolutely no solid info on anything... DE - Noah Spence DT - Adolphus Washington NT - Joel Hale DE - Michael Bennett OLB - Ryan Shazier MLB - Cam Williams OLB - Josh Perry CB - Bradley Roby S - Christian Bryant S - CJ Barnett CB - Doran Grant Every single one of those guys has played meaningful minutes this season thanks to injuries so I think it actually looks pretty good.
  11. The only reason I kinda buy it is because of the praise Meyer continues to give to Farris (did so again today on his call-in show) publicly. What you're saying makes the most sense to any of us. I'm just posting what nevada's saying.
  12. I wasn't sure if nevada was just posting something to be intriguing during a bye week or if he had actual info but his posting this morning leads me to believe the latter. Said Decker and Farris will be solid bookends for the OL for the next 2-3 years.
  13. nevada always said Fragel was going to be the starter and the Decker rumblings were motivational. I too think it's probably best to just plug Decker in Fragel's place and keep on chugging but I'm not the OL coach. Urban has mentioned Farris' name for like 3-4 weeks straight in pressers and we finally got to see him play some OL for the first time this past week. If he's really that good then he'll play.
  14. No game this weekend of course but nevada posted a projected starting OL for OSU in 2013 to keep things interesting... LT - Taylor Decker LG - Andrew Norwell C - Jack Mewhort RG - Corey Linsley RT - Chase Farris Means Hall goes to bench, Mewhort back to center and Farris is a beast. I thought Farris was going to be a Cam Heyward type of DL for OSU coming out of HS but being a great offensive tackle would be nice too considering how poorly Bollman recruited there his last couple years.
  15. I know there are a few people who care about college basketball especially. Maybe a little NBA but not much. OSU opens up the regular season on Friday in Charleston, SC playing on a mofuggin' aircraft carrier against Marquette. Deshaun Thomas is going to be shooting from the ocean.
  16. Had more fun tonight. I wish there was a "potpourri" playlist with KOTH, CTF and Slayer all in there. I like to mix it up in this game a lot more than COD where I just stick to one gametype really.
  17. Have over 425 MOAB's in MW3. Get rustled everyone.
  18. Had fun at first in Infinity Slayer but really don't like the BS shields and regen shit so went to Slayer Pro and lots of lag and weirdness going on. Not a great first impression really.
  19. The best of the worst bests... that... is... awesome.
  20. B1G is bad but still better than the Big East. Up until the conference regurgitation or whatever you want to call it I was almost certain the Big East would lose its auto-bid and it would go to the MWC but then everyone started moving around. B1G is no where near that bad. And yes, that Utah team beat a Bama team that didn't want to be there and was missing players due to agent crap (pretty sure that's what it was with Andre Smith). But not in its first 10 games which is all I was really looking at. And this OSU team is setting offensive records and whatnot. At least OSU records. First team in program history to put up 50+ 4 times in a single season. To be fair, of the teams I listed, that 2009 Cincy team was probably the best of the bunch. A good win against a pretty decent WVU team and another against an OK South Florida team. I just really wanted to put them on there to mess with the 2 Cincy fans who post here from time to time.
  21. Also, since Hyde had a really nice game on Saturday it looks a little bit more possible that he could break 1,000 for the year which would give Urban his first 2 1,000 yard rushers on the same team. Needs just over 260 yards in the last 2 games. 3 of the last 5 he's gone for 130+. Wisconsin's rush defense is statistically good though allowing just over 108ypg. Michigan's allows just over 143ypg. Could need Hyde to carry a lot to get both of those wins though.
  22. No. OSU plays in a real BCS conference. Not the Big East or some actual non-BCS conference. And they kicked the crap out of a currently ranked top 20 team who may end up representing the conference in the Rose Bowl. 2011 Houston's best win through 10 games was probably a 4-point home win against UCLA who finished the season 6-8. 2008 Utah's best win through 10 games was a 13-10 home victory against TCU who also played virtually no one that season and finished with 2 losses. We know 2007 Ohio State's pedigree. 2004 Boise State's 10-0 start... I literally can't pick a win I'd even bother mentioning as good. Maybe a 1-pointer at home against BYU who eventually finished 5-6? It's real bad.
  23. Didn't have to go back more than 1 year to find a team that started 10-0 that this team would be able to easily compete with. Last year's Houston team. Then 2009's Cincinnati team. 2008's Utah. 2007's... Ohio State...lol. 2004's Boise State.
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