Hmm. That's an interesting assertion you make there. But, instead of screening out the potentially dangerous drivers based exclusively on age, would you consider using driving skill, driving record, or even literacy (after all, some important traffic signs are written) as a fair test of denying drivers license renewals?
That way, for example, we wouldn't have to share "our roads" with dullards who don't know the difference between aloud and allowed.
You also might want to consider just how many miles of "our roads" have been paved by your lifetime tax contribution compared to those senior citizens' contributions. It doesn't buy them the right to drive with poor vision or poor judgment, but if they can demonstrate their visual acuity, reaction time and driving ability, I feel they have as least as much right to be on the road as some inexperienced kid texting every 30 seconds, or some intoxicated barely-legal adult careening home from the bar.
Tougher driving tests (including renewal tests) and a system of graduated driving privileges would make for safer roads, but most people support neither.
And stop picking on old people or I'll hit you with my walker. :gtfo: