Blasting works well, so long as the media isn't too coarse. Elsewise it'll tear up the substrate pretty good. A chemical strip (super messy) then blast as a final works best but even really cranking on them is 3-4 hours minimum. And if its a rough casting there is time to knock that down or it'll show through the powder badly. It could be my fear of turning out ugly stuff or I'm a glutton for punishment but I wet sand everything like its going out of style.
Hand sanding sucks. I dread life anytime I have to do it. Which regretably is a lot. Shoot me a PM if you'd like a quote.Looks good Aaron. I kinda like it against the odd ball gold paint. But thats the into VW stretchandpokedrownkittycatsintheriverthenchokeababyinthepark in me. That shade Gray as well as a decent Bronze is a bit of a Unicorn to find in powder.
She's gotta be in her mid-late 40's now. I'd still groove on it. Remember it's Hollywood. Apparently it's the only place being greasy and messy is appropriate.
At these price points, the Vette should be a clear winner. It screams the statement, "Just because you have it, why spend it?"
If you're looking at mods in the future what could you do for even half that difference?
Pull the cap off with it running at temp, fill till the coolant reaches to bottom of the neck let it run to let out any trapped air. Once it's done put the cap back on take of for a drive and see if it still runs hot. If it does dig a little deeper looking for leaks and bad Stat.
Not necessarily, In some cooling systems if its open all the time you get too much flow it won't stay in the Rad long enough to bleed off heat. It runs back through the motor and never gets a chance to actually cool off.