Dammit. Wrong account. LOL
This is james (bdazgsx)
Not yet. Dont own a ccw. I plan on getting it very very soon. I have a nice holster my gave me that i want to sell. ITs a right hand draw and im left. He didnt know and i ddint pay attention. I also have hogue grips on it. Gim me a pm and ill meet up with you and maybe go shoot it. No problems and its a NH made, not german. My buddies got a german made p239 with nite sites. I plan on getting new sites soon since all i have are stockers. Its accurate as all hell though. Good carry gun for sure.
Get the GST running, suspension, different turbo, blow it up, part it out, but another VW and vow never to stray again.
Or fix it add cubes and make sure I can't blow it up.
It's a more of a copper/orange. If I recall I got it from Mitsubishi. I've put maybe 50 miles on it in 6 years. I pulled the motor out last fall to detail it, and it still sits in the garage to this day. Strangely I don't feel sorry for it.
Try this one: