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Everything posted by Patterson

  1. I was down there Friday night I think. I go into a blind frenzy when I buy parts.
  2. Do NOT get a samsung. They have the highest return rate and the most problems. Get a sony
  3. Just passing through... Its 28 degrees in most of florida right now. .....Im gone......
  4. I call BS. I've got four of varying sizes, next meet I'm bringing them. If it is true, I'm in <3
  5. I'll take all the extra compesation I can get.
  6. You are better than the weather man. Jeffro for official weatherman of CR.
  7. The way people were driving doesnt surprise me one bit. Assholes cutting me off on the onramps while its snowing trying to do 55 on a snowy slushy road with their minivan. Semis barreling down 71 down at least 65. Doesnt surprise me one bit.
  8. Buy curious??????? Doucherocco has a date with an angry Audi.
  9. He needs to be smacking her ass not the table....
  10. No no no. Root your phone. Download applanet.apk and download root explorer. So useful for so many things. I would try to find a good rom for it. Go to xda-developers.com and try to find a good one there. Best place for it. And to learn mroe about your phone.
  11. +rep dood. So does it have a newer motor in it now? I could almost possibly be interested in this.
  12. I still need to go back and show it to them. That and I want to see Camel again. Super cool people, they just didn't want to spend the time or loot on getting it back on the road.
  13. Just saw them. Sorry. Looks terrible. Sorry for the loss.
  14. Any pics of anything? Were you at fault for anything?
  15. My Good candidate, but when the turbos go that's a huge expense. Cost will be ugly, no matter what. It'll hopefully stay stock. I don't need the wife doing 60 rolls on 270. Is that the 3.0L?
  16. I drove the W8 today, cool car, but funky squeels from the front of the motor. The Tensioners possibly? A little digging in the glove box found an old work order form last year for head gaskets, and timing chains at a VW dealer in Cleveland. I'm gonna have it inspected Next week at a friends VW shop to see just what the deal is. This is the problem with the 7-9K range that I'm looking at. Nice cars but at the point in life where problems are starting to pop up, or they've been sorta addressed.
  17. http://i523.photobucket.com/albums/w351/Pats16Valve/Plane2.jpg
  18. My nephew works there. I was having him put miles on it since he stays local typically. The last thing I wanted is something bad to happen and be two hours from Columbus.
  19. I love this body style, what other plans do you have for it?
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