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Everything posted by Patterson

  1. Neighborhood party. Roaming from house to house, gawking at the hot wives and their friends. Actually that's not any different than any other weekend.
  2. Best Sammiches of the mainstream burger joints. I've had the fries twice. First time was great fresh hot yummy. Second not so, but they sat in the car for a bit and got icky. I do give them a thumbs up though.
  3. A serious answer? No way. Thank goodness for that 15% of men right?
  4. You'll have a pm shortly.
  5. Trading Dennis (IM Faster) for his GST.
  6. And done. WTF will be gone this weekend. Since thanksgiving I logged 2253 miles, finished the exhaust, two alignments, two oil changes, averaged a high of 39mpg. Today in the freeway, logged about 27-28 in town. Not including the coil overs (already had from the Helios), and wheels and tires (traded my bbs's) I spent $1109.75 including purchase price. This thing is dead nuts reliable I imagine I'm gonna regret trading it off.
  7. Patterson

    Oh Gabe

    That's f'd up. You dodged a bullet Gape. WTF is moving on this weekend.
  8. Have them RMA a new board to you. Or just buy an aftermarket board and restore the computer. Youll have to tattoo the board if you buy an oem one which most people cant tattoo at home. Cut your losses and just buy an asus or gigabyte board.
  9. Happens more than you think. HP boards are notoriously known to do that.
  10. Buy a used glock and never buy another 9mm.
  11. If it doesnt post, the mobo is bad. Unless your cpu fried but that very rarely happens.
  12. Take the ram out and every component out besides the proc and see if the board beeps codes. A HP should beep 3 times to recognize the memory is out. If not, board is bad. If it does, onboard gpu could be bad. Replace the board. A dedicated video cars could fix the problem, but i think both boards are bad.
  13. I'd put 20 on bluemach in Monte with the swirl.
  14. Patterson

    Oh Gabe

  15. The problem is the govt will try to stop torrenting and other forms of shared media through the internet. Thats what its really about.
  16. You "lol" like your hiding something? :-) haha
  17. MAke sure you bring your IM by when you pick up your new one. Flat black the whole engine bay!
  18. Talk to a private adjuster. RC K9, Ryan on here had to do the same thing when an asian lady crushed his 1g awd.
  19. Thanks Ant, and thanks for the left over putty cat. :thumbup:
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