Although, my refusal to listen to local radio because 99% of it sucks, and being too lazy to buy the A/I-net cable for my H/U has forced me to keep listening to Toxicity over and over.
Maybe 298. If I was gonna do one I'd stick with the Auto. Only because it would be more consistent for bracket racing. That and from a roll is for those who can't launch a car. Go from a dig or nothing.
The brake lights are the best indicator. Suprisingly though, I work in Gahanna off of Morrison and that is a huge speed trap. Minimum of 2-3 a day pulled over. Nobody gets it over there.
I think where the dividers over by Dublin overlap each other is their favorite spot.
I guess it's broken. J/K Try unhooking the belt from the P/S. Then start it and turn the wheel. Even though it's not making any noise I think that or the Steering box are the culprit.