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Everything posted by Patterson

  1. +eleventybillion for Eric. He's one of my customers.
  2. Nice find. Those are mid-90's Centerlines. Slam it.
  3. Dumbasses. Not a drag car, not fast, not hubcaps, she'll never sell it. She'd want too much for it.
  4. B&M Pro Ratchet FTW Maybe I should sell the Scirocco and Jetta.......
  5. This. Although, my refusal to listen to local radio because 99% of it sucks, and being too lazy to buy the A/I-net cable for my H/U has forced me to keep listening to Toxicity over and over.
  6. Oddly enough, electrical is what is keeping this thing from running at the moment. Irony FTW.
  7. Maybe 298. If I was gonna do one I'd stick with the Auto. Only because it would be more consistent for bracket racing. That and from a roll is for those who can't launch a car. Go from a dig or nothing.
  8. The silver one looks to have the most promise.
  9. That third one made me puke a little. But funny none the less. Who could ever forget this little piece of musical history????
  10. http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1708939076.html http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1708854606.html
  11. High Life FTW! I usually drink that, or I will make my monthly trip to Pa for Yeungling. But it gets all warm.
  12. You can have and hour with Sneakers a jar of peanut butter, and the toilet seat. Fuck-away boy Fuck-away....
  13. This! It's all about the dollars for the station. In short, we get jerked off and no happy ending..
  14. I was asking myself that last night. But knowing the target as well as I do, he can't let things go. That is what made it so much fun.
  15. The brake lights are the best indicator. Suprisingly though, I work in Gahanna off of Morrison and that is a huge speed trap. Minimum of 2-3 a day pulled over. Nobody gets it over there. I think where the dividers over by Dublin overlap each other is their favorite spot.
  16. What part of Westerville is this in????? the only disturbance I know of around here is a POS purple DSM that won't run....
  17. I guess it's broken. J/K Try unhooking the belt from the P/S. Then start it and turn the wheel. Even though it's not making any noise I think that or the Steering box are the culprit.
  18. Gotta give props to Pennsylvania. But because I'm so ganster... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1b3uTa2foc&feature=related
  19. So long as I'm not the one sucking.
  20. Were the dogs running in parallel??????
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