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Everything posted by Patterson

  1. Where did you want to meet?
  2. Tires may need balanced, or the shock(s), and ball joint. How many miles are on it?
  3. That is really coming out well. Awesome job.
  4. Patterson

    vote here for

    The CDSM thing was a mess, and I personally hardly get on there anymore. But I do know that was a huge mess. And should have been handled a lot differently by all parties. Oh well it is what it is.
  5. Hey, pics or it didn't happen. Or I just wanna know what elevator not to get onto.
  6. Water-balloon fight. It's cheap and saves loot for cake and gifts. Minutes of entertainment till someone decides they are in pain from the water.
  7. Patterson

    vote here for

    I'm gonna say Perma-Ban. As it turns out he didn't just burn the bridges last night, he exploded them WWII style. Look what piece of mind got Braveheart. Being Fam doesn't mean shit. I have been the first tell him to STFU. He was told he was being a douche. I'm trying to start a business with another member, as well as he. I have a ton of money out of pocket in it, and a lot more to come. As well as my current career. I'm out everyday talking to people who follow some of these forums. Some are my customers. I won't be connected to that sort of shit. At this point he will have to decide if he wants to be a part of it too. Things were already decided by the time I was able to get his login and change is password. TFB for him, and his broken DSM. Subsequently he managed to get me kicked off of CDSM as well for BS posting. Oh F'n well. Sorry I had to rant about this. It was in good fun, and got out of hand.
  8. Well it was sorta in the steering. Glad you got it fixed.
  9. Patterson

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    It's all good. One of the bans earned was my profile at another forum here in town. I'll be cranky for days. Guilt by association is a bad thing.
  10. Patterson

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    79 posts...... My choice is to not be a post whore, when I do chime in, or start a thread I'd prefer it to mean something. Not really sure what your motivation in life is, but this is supposed to be fun.
  11. Patterson

    vote here for

    Nope, done. When I allow him back on, and if the ban is lifted he will apologize to everybody he was a dick to, which was pretty much everyone. Four bans in one night. I think that is a record. On that note we should let him back in......
  12. Oh it was all in good fun. This has been hours of great entertainment.
  13. I flamed my boy, things got ugly, everybody wants to pout cause he stuck up for himself, and ran his mouth a little just like everyone else. End
  14. The white one for sure. The silver looks to have had a more mature owner.
  15. Too late he got it for that one. Don't you hate it when you go for a physical and the Doctor has both hands on your shoulders, then starts singing?
  16. I know you have been dieing to use that, but geez.... It moved Up 3 inches onto a fourth jack stand..
  17. Oh wait, you were serious when you said this isn't a VW? So brown isn't the ground..... FINALLY + REP FOR YOU GRASS HOPPER.
  18. Yeah, it's made it's way up on to four jack stands in as many weeks. So much for a quickie spring break project......
  19. Well it's not Automotive, but I've got three open corners you could work.
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