That's funny. I use to work for a large performance parts house here in town, and my favorites were the Clamshafts, Carbonators, and Discributors or just Scribiters. I don't miss it. Stupid people.
Wwrewolves have layers??? And they smell bad too.
The mom is so proud. I guess when she walks in on her son sucking his buddies cock she'll be proud of that too. "He could be in the park choking babies, or chickens"...
I did it two years ago, dropped it in 8 days. The biggest side effect was I quit drinking Diet Mt. Dew too. But that I picked back up. I'm still not sure why I ever started in the first place.
I need a complete steering column with Key for a mid-late 80's GM Pick Up. Mine is an 87.
I also need/want a aftermarket shifter for an OD trans (700R4) with cable pref. PM me if you've got either.
Car 1: No simply because he can't get the name right on the Nitrous kit.
Car 2: OMG
Car 3: Would be better than the Fox only because he seems like much less of an ass hat than car 1. And its EFI. Granted they are heavier, but thats nothing a little boost could'nt handle.....
And weak sauce burnouts. But I assured you it would be fine, and it all buffed out. I love this thing other than the raspberry/ass juice stink from the back....
A little update, the new oven is just about done. We ended up at 7x3x3. This thing is huge. (That's what she said) And likely we'll have this thing wrapped up and testing this weekend. This measurements are for the inside. So that should give a good reference what will fit.
Should simply be a matter of LT1 motor mounts, and frame stands. Depends on what style distributor you use. You might have issues with a big cap HEI or a big cap MSD.