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Everything posted by Patterson

  1. There is going to be a lot of puking downtown. It is so on.....
  2. My HTC Hero mystery shuts down all the time. I'm wondering if it's not a bug in the OS. My biggest problem is I've had the phone for 6 months. So I am stuck just dealing with it until I pony up for a new one.
  3. Happy B-day oh great Poobah.
  4. Congrats on the baybay. They're fun til they talk back.
  5. I had no idea he was Australian. Looks like a sweet movie with the exception of Dr. Phil.
  6. What type of car? 69 VW Beetle What mods? It is a Full Restoration Whats the car going to be built or is used for? Cruising, and keeping the wife happy What are your goals with the car? Not to let her wreck it. There is always something to be done. I have been tinkering with this car for 7 years. When we decided to have kids it got put waaaay back on the shelf and has patiently. We've put maybe 200 mile on it in 7 years. Hopefully this summer we'll get to put more on it. What type of car? 85 VW Scirocco What mods? Most of the parts for the engine are OEM from many other Legos er VW's. 2L bottom end out of a Mk3, Ported cylinder head form a Mk2 GTI, Intake manifold from a Fox, TB from a Porsche, Fuel management bits from Audi, Volvo, VW and Mercedes. 2.5" Exhaust, Header, O.D. Green Paint work coming soon, PC'd gold wheels. My refusal to bend to the masses on VWVortex won't let me buy Euro Bumpers, Stretch the tires, do a VR swap, shave the bay, or let the tow hooks drag the ground. Thaqt is what my Jetta is for. Whats the car going to be built or is used for? Auto-X and cruising around. Eventually it'll be boosted on E85, but not for a long while. If it puts down 140 to the wheels I'd be happy. At 1800 lb. you don't need a lot of power.... What are your goals with the car? It's a West Coast car. I'd love to keep it forever, and it remain rust free.
  7. It sounds like a bad wastegate. Hitting fuel cut, shuts down, picks back up... Do you have a boost gauge on it?
  8. Thinking the same thing. CAPS Lock bad. My head hurts from that.
  9. I have a pile of scrap wood from a de-construction project last week. It is mostly 2x4's and lawn timbers. But pm if you want it. I was thinking of posting it up here for someone to come get it.
  10. He loved old country music and Ford Mustangs; they were “his car.” Nuff said.
  11. Lee Ritenour, and Herb Alpert, Steely Dan is pretty cool too.
  12. Only Chuck can divide by zero. I have a Top Ten list hanging in my office, and clients get a huge kick out of it when they come in. Chuck rocks.
  13. Outside Air temp for the MFA. Probably goes into the core support, or a lip in the fender. On a VW it's usually in a tab on the D/S fender.
  14. We're prayin' for ya.
  15. I dunno, I envision you sitting there all sad and broke out into a sweat. Welcome anyway.
  16. I had a maroon 91. Fun car, ran good on spray. Nice thing about that one is the valves have been adjusted already and the T-Belt is done already. I had a set of Brembo rotors that I had been sitting on for a few years and just pitched them. I couldn't give those things away. Nice find have fun and beat it to death.
  17. At least the tires are shiny... That one is even local.
  18. Nice. My Jetta is low, but damn. The lip is about 1.5" off the ground, but that is cheating I suppose.
  19. How low is it? It didn't look that low in the pics you posted a while back. Is it like Trey's? He bottomed out crossing the reverse speed bumps on my street. silliness. Either way I'd be down for a meet.
  20. Looking very sweet. Saw this in Whoretex a while back. Some what fitting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iB-_l2r4pvE Specifically from 2:35 on.
  21. Many of my friends call me Pat... Years ago I was at a meet and had just gotten my Mk2 GTI. Talker one asks talker two who's GTI is that, and he replied thats Pats 16 Valve. My brother always calls me Round Lipper though. But that would just invite a lot of facial jokes..... He also calls me Hog Daddy. That stuck with my friends from school. But I don't ride a Harley, and they have since shortened it to just Hog. And that would be just childish.
  22. Super nice. Can you come paint my car?
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