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Everything posted by ForeverMaker

  1. Well lock this up. All the hooplah is unwarranted: http://www.macrumors.com/2009/03/16/no-drm-in-headphones-for-new-ipod-shuffle/
  2. Not defending the move.. but just to clarify, the headphones now have the controls on them so you can't stick any headphones in there anyway. This is a way for apple to make sure whatever 3rd party products are developed will actually work and perform all the functions that were intended.
  3. I have a hot tub cover in good condition for free if you want it.
  4. dave and busters or a strip club is my vote.
  5. reply on my profile.. otherwise I see no notification of you leaving a message. sort of like myspace.
  6. So riding your fathers coat tails is the surefire way to get in CR? Sweet.
  7. that sounded gay. lol.
  8. You have clearly missed all the bashing on here every time someone posts something about them. I like the car and will looking to get one in a few years when all the quirks are worked out. I think in person, + drop, + tint, it will be really nice.
  9. I suppose I will have to buy a helmet sometime.
  10. It's $250 for 1 day. (not much different I know) Maybe first post should be updated with price info.
  11. LOL I didn't take the pic.. I just posted what he wanted. I told him not to use that one haha..
  12. http://lh6.ggpht.com/_QSAbYNKfqyM/SbXN1NrwRkI/AAAAAAAAD3g/S8hTTOXgdkM/s800/_7195007.jpg http://lh4.ggpht.com/_QSAbYNKfqyM/SbXN1S3ZwcI/AAAAAAAAD3o/Pf1elzK_87g/s800/_7195015.jpg http://lh3.ggpht.com/_QSAbYNKfqyM/SbXN1iVL1EI/AAAAAAAAD3w/z5HJUzpUsV0/s800/_7194965-3.jpg http://lh6.ggpht.com/_QSAbYNKfqyM/SbXIi0j1I2I/AAAAAAAAD3Q/ESLjwbKScVo/s800/Image0001.jpg http://lh5.ggpht.com/_QSAbYNKfqyM/SbXIi6HM4cI/AAAAAAAAD3Y/_xZbmJgVPWw/s800/Image0004.jpg
  13. http://www.imgtree.net/files/kdtf7gnf6ae6h5jwuby9.jpg http://www.imgtree.net/files/wrqo7cytpkd0yji1ni8k.jpg http://www.imgtree.net/files/2auo9zbw34tyzameyg6x.jpg
  14. Whenever using PayPal wait for the funds to clear into your bank account. Just because you get money "instantly" doesn't mean anything until it's safe in your own bank. PayPal can still freeze funds sitting in your PayPal account.
  15. I would rather post pictures than have a fast car so take that!!! http://lh4.ggpht.com/_QSAbYNKfqyM/Sa62vwRmhaI/AAAAAAAAD2Y/rew3NUzB0a8/s800/ohhnoes.jpg (cool vids I gotta check more of them out)
  16. I think he's trying to communicate.
  17. Definitely want.. but in a few years. Let everyone else figure out what will go wrong with them.
  18. some guy has 2 already: http://www.camaro5.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14642
  19. Jesus would tell you to use Adblock for Christ's sake.
  20. german village coffee shop. (next to thurman) http://www.german-village.com/gvcoffeeshop/index.htm
  21. episode 2 is out: http://www.mininova.org/tor/2327567 better quality than the last one. --------------------- also season 1 complete is here: http://www.mininova.org/tor/729310 quality is ok. watched a few episodes, sorta boring after a while, but at least it's something car-related to watch.
  22. 90% of bad driving I see is a woman behind the wheel.* Just a few hours ago... I was stuck behind a woman driver who didn't know what a "continuous right turn with caution" was. She sat there waiting for traffic to go by an entire lane over. I also see a lot of this... not turning into the closest lane. Women swing out into any old lane they want and don't realize that incoming traffic could be turning into that lane. Clearing intersections.. don't sit at the white line at a light and wait for an opening to make your turn. Get OUT IN THE FUCKING INTERSECTION. If the light turns yellow, then red, you have the right of way to clear the intersection. Dinging my car with your door... caught 2 women. they didn't even apologize and thought it was no big deal. * and 90% of road rage I see is usually by a guy.
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