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Everything posted by ForeverMaker

  1. My wife deals with the DVR... I don't watch much TV. But I tell her to record Kitchen Nightmares when its on. Love that show.
  2. First I give away a perfectly fine computer now here is more stuff. You pick it up at my house in Gahanna preferrably this weekend. Even though my street is still a glacier it's warm out, so go for a cruise and pick this shit up before I have a bonfire with it all. PM me to arrange pickup. TV - 20some inch JVC. Good for an extra bedroom, garage, whatever. http://lh5.ggpht.com/_QSAbYNKfqyM/SY3dzeQ2CHI/AAAAAAAAD0g/W4Fmzjr9iAE/s800/DSC00259.jpg http://lh6.ggpht.com/_QSAbYNKfqyM/SY3dzXJTVaI/AAAAAAAAD0o/rUWSOJB-6x4/s800/DSC00260.jpg http://lh4.ggpht.com/_QSAbYNKfqyM/SY3d2R5R65I/AAAAAAAAD0w/7SzlAZm9FHA/s800/DSC00261.jpg ============ Lacie HD Enclosure that holds 2 drives. Know your shit before you pick this up. It is IDE interface with firefire 400 & 800 ports. Firewire cable NOT INCLUDED. I am pretty sure you need identical drives (brand & size) for this to work. There might be a firmware upgrade which allows you to use mismatched drives but no promises. Just want to see if anyone could use this before I pitch it. http://lh6.ggpht.com/_QSAbYNKfqyM/SY3dyzuBd8I/AAAAAAAAD0I/eXSL4lEgiGg/s800/DSC00256.jpg http://lh6.ggpht.com/_QSAbYNKfqyM/SY3dzPI079I/AAAAAAAAD0Y/lk5SJM6UojY/s800/DSC00258.jpg
  3. Pickups are pending. If anything falls through I will PM the next person in line. Thanks.
  4. * both items are gone - thank you * PC tower. Comes with a formatted 80GB hard drive which is not installed. Therefore if you get this you will need to know how to install the drive, install an OS on a blank drive, and maybe even tinker with the BIOS to make sure the boot order is correct. I will not be your tech support for this. Hence why it is FREE. Geez. AMD Athlon 2700+ 1 GB RAM MSI nvidia GeForce 6600GT 128MB (with copper heat sink.) 1 DVI/1 VGA output 80GB blank hard drive - NO OS - I recommend XP or linux on this setup DVD ROM Drive CD-RW Drive 6 USB ports (2 in front) 2 firewire 400 ports via a PCI card nForce2 motherboard with onboard sound 10/100 ethernet card - no wireless card 350 watt generic PSU Working fine. The fans *could* be quieter but aside from that the machine has been great. Runs Half-Life 2/Counterstrike Source on medium settings no problem. http://lh4.ggpht.com/_QSAbYNKfqyM/SYz0i27If9I/AAAAAAAADz4/vso_YOS9rhI/s800/DSC01210.JPG Here it is running 2 monitors. The monitors don't come with it. This just illustrates that it works. http://lh6.ggpht.com/_QSAbYNKfqyM/SGrq3rwduBI/AAAAAAAACYU/uNRo3dxM8nE/s800/DSC01635.JPG ============ Router for sale: Linksys WRT54GL 2.4GHZ 54mbps $25 OBO Perfect shape. Solid router, never had to reboot it. Sat mounted under my desk since I have had it. It looks like this: http://lh5.ggpht.com/_QSAbYNKfqyM/SYz5hSt_3UI/AAAAAAAAD0A/qPQliGeSx3o/s800/4e58_1_b.JPG
  5. Driving for 11 years. No accidents. Never even have gone off the road or hit a pole. Never even been in an accident in my entire life as a passenger. I hear even minor ones can be pretty jarring. I also have been pulled over around 8 times, (once for wreckless driving when I just got my license!) and have only ever gotten 1 ticket -- 46 in a 30 on a parking access road on BGSU campus. Complete BS but I beat it in court. I attribute it to just being an alert driver at all times. This is a great guide for new (and old) drivers on how to handle being an alert driver and getting pulled over: http://ehowa.com/mythoughts/nospeeding.shtml
  6. thread resurrection... who wants to claim this: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b280/tsaperformance/DSCN1203.jpg
  7. ^No. It can give you a live location of where you + directions are but no voice/turn-by-turn. The iPhone is a huge pain to use while you are driving. With no tactile feedback you have to look down at it way too much. I only use the GPS in a pinch and never text/call while driving.
  8. I will believe it when I see it. They can't predict shit.
  9. if you watch the video he discusses the pronunciation. he knows he is saying it wrong.
  10. He banks all of his Tonight Show money. He spends his Vegas stand-up cash.
  11. It was said by more than one person.
  12. I can't say I have ever heard of someone caring about putting miles on their mustang. Is it some sort of show car?
  13. Please donate money to me. I will be sure to fight for your rights. Thanks.
  14. how is WOW's DVR software? We have Insight and their DVR box always locks up. Looking to possibly switch.
  15. ForeverMaker


    Supercharged 4-banger. +rep for sure.
  16. http://i442.photobucket.com/albums/qq146/JamieBear666/S6300856.jpg
  17. http://www.mudcrutch.com/photos/data/527/chris_walken.gif
  18. blowing it in vegas. maybe save a bit for some home improvements.
  19. Great numbers Vern. Really too bad it is your average FWD undesirable econobox with a horrible interior.
  20. Answer at bottom of image: http://www.ukimagehost.com/uploads/8cd73a3cd4.png
  21. Question... is getting track insurance coverage for a day a possibility? Has anyone here gotten it before? I have heard of people getting dropped when calling to inquire to see if they are covered. I just don't want someone running into me and I get stuck with the bill.
  22. he has the mini attached to the TV.. no need to get an apple tv.
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