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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. I'm sorry. My ex bf had to do this with his son, and it put a lot of stress on everyone. I hope things work out for you, or you find a way to make it work.
  2. Nice car. How bout some male cheerleaders? haha
  3. noooo. only guys for meeee
  4. Cross out Bengals, add Browns and thats the truth
  5. message sent just now. sorry it took so long to get back to ya
  6. nahh, not at all. I still have to see ya dance before you go.
  7. Agreed. I say even worse things, and my boss just laughs.
  8. How about you dont join the army? that would be nice lol
  9. so, you like the spankings?
  10. Danielle

    New guy

    I got it enough when I signed up. Now, Its my turn. mwahahaha
  11. Not sexist, just stupid in my opinion.
  12. Danielle

    New guy

    :leghump: Finally, I got to do the leg humping. Nice car
  13. I wanna play! I haven't in a few years, but this would be fun.
  14. I thought everyday was insult your boss day? :-/
  15. lol, ok t/y. hell, ill give it away if someone wants it. idc. i just want to get rid of it.
  16. I've tried selling this thing for some time, but no one wants it. Lol. Its a brand new roady xt for XM radio.. i attempted to put it in my car, so it is out of the box, but i gave up and its been in a bag since. I think these are still going for around $60.. but i want it gone so pm me if your interested
  17. Go to stained skin on n high street and talk to naryan. He's an amazing artist and ive saw him do some crazy ass tattoos. And, if he cant do it, he may know someone else who can.
  18. Danielle


    aw, now be nice!
  19. Danielle


    haha. thanks, i think.
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