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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. Whatever you decide on, Good Luck.
  2. Good Luck, and thank you for your service.
  3. I'm sorry to hear this I will definitely keep her in my prayers.
  4. Danielle

    Cheap vets?

    I realized that parvo isnt cheap.. I just never had to deal with it before yesterday... And it was quick. Im happy he wasn't in a lot of pain, and we didn't have to put him down ourselves.. It was just his time to go. But, we are bleaching everything... I dont wanna bring it back to my puppy so everything is getting cleaned very well. Thanks for the help
  5. Danielle

    Cheap vets?

    Buddy passed away at home around 9:30 this morning... Again, thanks for the help guys... And if they decide in the future to get a new dog, we will get pet insurance.
  6. Danielle

    Cheap vets?

    We couldnt find anyone that would do a payment plan... Did your brothers dog turn out okay?
  7. Danielle

    Cheap vets?

    They got him hydrated, and a ton of antibiotics... and we weren't just trying to go cheap on him because he's a dog.. This was really hard on all of us and still is, knowing that he could not get better... But, like I said, my brothers girlfriend is pregnant... the baby is number one priority right now... The dog seems to be doing better already though, hopefully he continues to improve. Thanks for the help everyone. Ill keep these vets in mind if anything else would happen.
  8. Danielle

    Cheap vets?

    Bethel Rd Animal Clinic is the name I think.
  9. Danielle

    Cheap vets?

    Does anyone know any vets that would treat my brothers dog for parvo at a decent price? My brother is at a vets office right now and they want to charge him $500 to $700 to save his dog... and his girlfriend is pregnant, he really cannot afford that at all... just wanted to see if anyone had any ideas or places I could try for him... Thanks...
  10. Hey Eric Bout time you made it on here.
  11. Good luck & be safe!
  12. I'm sorry to hear about your mom... Its never easy. Your mom and your family will be in my prayers.
  13. Hey John, wanna fix my shit??? hahaha. dork
  14. lol, i might. just text me or somethin and remind me.... im pretty sure you got my number the other night. The tables lookin good, btw.
  15. Shaun has to work Saturday nights now And yeah, you need to get workin on that! It looks pretty good though for now
  16. After all the ones you got the other night you still dont have enough to cover it? We need to drink more!!!
  17. Here's a couple pictures of him http://c3.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/104/l_65d24b07b24b40958756f429fe3dc91a.jpg http://c4.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/93/l_71df049c901749fd93a4aa54ff18061f.jpg
  18. Thanks guys... I had no idea about what they do with pitts, but my friends are scared for the dog... I just figured i'd try to help. Ill pass on the info
  19. I'm trying to help a friend find a home from a dog... this is the post he made on another forum... Do you know anyone who would like a dog? A friend of mine has to find a home for her dog or he has to go to the pound. We have run out of time and exhausted all resources. His name is Capone, He is a 5yr old fixed male he is a mutt but there are physical traits of a pitt. Maybe a pitt/ lab? Given his heritage he would be immediately put down at a shelter. He is potty and crate trained (although doesn't require one), doesn't like cats and is ok with female dogs. Male dogs are on case to case basis. His name is Capone. He knows sit, stay, shake, and sometimes lay. He doesn't seem to run off or wonder. He likes to play and cuddle but not overly obnoxious in either sense. He tends to mimic your mood. He likes toys and bones and having his tummy rubbed. He goes through toys quickly but does not eat things that are not his even when left for extended period of times. She had to move and ran out of time to find a owner. I have fostered him as long as I can and have not had much luck. One attempted owner wasn't patient enough to let him settle in (literally less than 24hrs), and the other loved him and although he is great with kids was afraid he played too rough for a two yr old. I love him dearly and I would take him but I am moving home temporarily and they have 3 dogs and a cat already. He is the best dog and I would love to keep him. Or even if someone is willing to take him temporarily. Please pass along and help any way you can. I can get pictures if interested, please just let me know. Message me on here, or call me at 614-483-8061 Thanks!
  20. Evolved is sooo over priced... Its crazy. High Street Tattoo is pretty good, and decent prices. Argus in Hilliard is my favorite so far (I have 4 tats, 2 piercings) The tat I have from Argus is the best and the guy who did it is amazing... He just did one for one of my friends too. His name is Andrew, and he has decent prices too.
  21. Danielle

    Ink Hookup?

    Argus in Hilliard is really good, they're very clean, and pretty cheap. I got my last tat from Andrew there, he isn't the best guy at the shop, so he doesn't charge as much, but he still did a great job. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=93412957
  22. You have a thing for the 19 year olds, right? :asshole: hahaha BTW, your girlfriend is definitely bad ass.
  23. I have the blackjack too... Its pretty awesome.
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