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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. Danielle

    Really? Wtf.

    Friday morning I was rear ended... The second time i've been hit in 6 months. Does my car have a freakin "HIT ME" sign on it or what? The really bad part about this one, was the guy had a beer can in his car, was stumbling around, and peed himself a little bit right in front of the cops. IT WAS 8:40 AM! Who drinks that early in the f'n morning????? Wtf is wrong with people????
  2. Lol, okay well... Yeah he was right. But, you don't have to pay me for them if you want them
  3. Thats the best news i've heard from at&t in a while... Thanks for posting.
  4. Annd now I cant get the picture to work... grr.
  5. http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=1117371&albumID=2152712&imageID=53614832 Here is a pic of one of them, they are identical, but they wouldnt really stay still long enough for me to take pictures....
  6. I will post pics tomorrow when I can get to her house to take them
  7. I went through there last night around 11 and the people were going through the line like nothing... It wasn't taking much time at all. But around that time they did have about 4 or 5 cars pulled over in the parking lot with people standing outside of them that looked wasted. Maybe not, but if they were im pretty happy they're off the street and not putting peoples lives in danger.
  8. None of the above that we know of... They were found in an abandoned house apparently and she hasn't got any of that done yet.
  9. but... theyre really pretty and nice!! come oooon... lol
  10. My cousin has two cats that are about 6 months old that she needs to find a home for. They are from the same litter, both boys, and they're all black. They are litter box trained, and really good loving kittens, but she isn't home enough to play with them and give them attention. We can bring them to you if needed.... Reply on here, or call/text me at 614-483-8061 if you are interested. I dont have pictures right now, because shes at work, but if needed she can take some when she gets home and I can send them to you... She just really wants someone who can give these kittens a good home and show them the attention they need!
  11. Haha... Thats what I thought it said at first too... Glad you and Levin are okay though Jon. Get your shit taken care of! lol.
  12. Apparently she preformed about two minutes later and did it just as good as she would've any other time...
  13. I didnt watch it, but I saw it on yahoo this morning... Hes definitely a jackass. Beyonce was nice though... She let Taylor Swift come on stage when she won and finish her speech.
  14. Damn, people that go into walmart drive me crazy! I work there, and anytime I tell someone I do they look at me like like I'm crazy cause I dont weigh 400lbs and look inbred.. haha
  15. I've never done the whole fantasy thing either, but more than likely, im in! lol
  16. Although funny, I have to stick up for him on this one. I'm pretty sure Jons not gay.
  17. Jon, its okay. You don't have to get all upset because your team sucks... Shit, i'd be pretty cranky too if I was a Michigan fan... Haha. At least you have good taste in Hockey.
  18. Very nice tat I <3 Argus. I had Andrew do a tat for me a few months ago, and its the best/cheapest I have so far.
  19. When I was little, in my aunts house I followed around a cat all the time. It always walked through the wall though, and I couldn't ever figure out why... But, my aunt didn't have a cat. No one believed me, since I was only 5 or 6 until my aunt was walking through the house one night and the cat ran by her... Hah. At my cousins old house up in Cleveland, the previous owners family had left a lot of his stuff in the attic after he passed away.. My cousin decided to start going through it one day, to see what she should get rid of, all that.... She went down stairs to get something and she heard what sounded like something being throw in the attic... When she went back up, papers were everywhere, boxes were turned over... Apparently the previous owner had passed away in the house and didn't like them going through his stuff, cause this happened anytime they started to. Every time I would walk by the stairs to the attic, the hair on the back of my neck stood up and I felt like someone was watching me... just a general creepy feeling.. In the same house, the bathroom door would lock from the inside when no one was in there, and the bathtub would get turned on and fill up until it over flowed. That happened once when I was there and it scared the shit out of me... Also, when we left, we made sure to turn every light in the house off, and as soon as we step outside and look at the windows, the lights are back on.... They finally moved when they felt their daughters started getting really scared and felt like they were in danger. Crazy shit
  20. I just talked to a communist bastard, and about three other people who apparently HATE the US. Its kinda funny, but it kinda pissed me off at the same time.... hah
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