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Everything posted by Fubar231

  1. I know i do but mi giving my .02 cents. Didn't the head designers @ orion leave to go make the LMS drivers?
  2. Orion is still top of the line. Orion designs a lot of subs for other companies actually (They designed the LMS Subwoofer which BAAANGGGG)
  3. Stop watching youtube videos. If you want a all out system its ORION HCCA's. If you want cheap bumps buy mine! (JL Amp Alpine Type R 12's) Sony speakers = Suck dick Sony HU's = Mines a beast Subs are subs, as long as you don't buy cheap subs your pretty much good to go. I always look at magnet size and structural quality of the sub. If it has a lotta bling, its a pos.
  4. That was awesome lol
  5. I cant quote this enough! Its always mini-vans that fly past me on the highways, change lanes without signals, turn without signals etc. Its bullshit!
  6. Thorne get the hell back so we can see the car.
  7. Shitty to hear joe... Just wanna see this thing run!
  8. Dig in the rain? And you know i was being sarcastic w/ the hatin shit. Ima come kick it with you n christian someday...
  9. This threads full of win. Norm, why you gotta be hatin man.
  10. Fubar231


    OMG! That was so funny i cried.
  11. Its 36 x 13 x 16 Width , Height, Depth The box is 4.33 cubic feet and has a center slot port.
  12. Sorry man, its the most i could do to help. lol
  13. Jesus he was so close to that wall, i give him props for not wrecking, screw the wheelstand.
  14. Fubar231

    Comfest 26-28

    Ill be there friday and saturday. 99% chance says i won't run into you guys, and if i even do i won't know your faces haha
  15. My storm allows me to watch movies with the stock media player... Your best bet would be to go to http://www.crackberry.com and post on the forums. Youll have a answer in minutes.
  16. Talk to some friends / people on CR.
  17. Hes the shit. Nuff said. Cheap parts and cheap labor. +1 for rob.
  18. I recommend any multi layer stopper style headgasket. Also, cometics the shit, i ordered a headgasket from them and it didnt allows the valves to clear because of the decking of the head, and i was able to send it back to them after it was on the car for fitting and get a custom one made. Cometics awesome.
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