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Everything posted by Brrcats

  1. :dumb: agreed, i typically vote republican and traditionally lean to the right. however lately i've been drifting farther from party lines and embracing aspects of each party. I feel there is more than enough room in the system for third party candidates who I feel if given a fair shake at things would actually garner more votes than people think.
  2. I understand majority rules and all that, just wanted to get my preference out there. I'm always looking to network and my gf is looking for a new career.
  3. I'd be down for something like this, wednesdays arent that good for me though.
  4. you're always going to have haters, just the way the world is, i think the overall response looked positive though.
  5. I wish I could make this one seeing as I missed the first to health reasons, gotta take the kids to the zoo though in thier costumes. stupid responsibilities
  6. It boggles my mind that companies dont understand that a glaring error in customer service under such a large spotlight can be that detrimental to their company. or maybe thier product is so sub-par that if they covered this they'd fear they'll be flooded with requests to fix the rest of thier broken wheels either way, not looking good for them.
  7. Brrcats

    S3 users???

    I had that issue intermittantly, I just go into the photo, and rotate it before uploading to anywhere. its a little bit of a hassle, but it doesnt happen regularly
  8. I'm still rockin my original GoPro, but its nice to see that they arent resting on thier laurels and are continuing to put out more and more advanced products, although the GoPro 2 seems more like the goPro 1.5 now compared to this new one.
  9. I got a good deal on my '06, but it was still 40k personally I loved the supercharged elise, it obviously felt slow compared to the vette, but not slow compared to most cars, the gearbox felt :megusta:. The only downside was the crawling in and out of it, and the fact that you are physically touching your passenger the entire time since everything is so tight in there.
  10. and yet we've been seeing these on the internet for years. :dumb: just sayin
  11. not to shit on the sale thread since its a nice erg, but if you're looking for something a little more affordable look into the model C, they look cosmetically the same, just a little older. if you really want to go old school, look into the model B, its basically a stick tied to a fan. I had one in high school.
  12. was just there two weeks ago, really nice on the canadian side, the buildings around the falls are really cool and old. They're actually running a show right now about how the falls were made and how theyve been utilized etc over the years. Looked really cool, but I didnt have a lot of time other than to sightsee. The town-ish area is very carnival like, lots of cool museums and attractions to see. I wish I would have had a long weekend to do some things. http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/74858_10100735451675955_632023020_n.jpg
  13. I"ve seen so many stupid things in the gym, I dont doubt any of these types of stories anymore
  14. who set this up, looks like a great time.
  15. I've never actually seen anyone get assistance for pullups. I guess he could have lifted you up from the hips, all dirty dancing style, lol
  16. My favorite is the excuse, " well my friend was in an accident and if he would have been wearing his seatbelt, he would have died" congratulations, if that were actually true and not some hearsay bullshit, that may be one of the one in a million times where that was the case. I was first on the scene (well first who knew anything) of a wreck in new albany where a lady thought it was a good idea to use her face to break the drivers side window out then fly across a field. Her face was messed up bad, jaw snapped, blood, it was pretty nasty. but yeah, moral of the story, seatbelts are good
  17. Not bicycling, but back when i was rowing we used to get these long sleeved shirts from a place called regatta sport. I have a handful of them still that I wear. Nice thing is that they are cut longer in the back so they stay tucked in while you are leaning forward. Ive got two different kinds, one is considerably thicker/warmer than the other, but just to give you a new place to look. http://www.regattasport.com/products/view/2640/c:1
  18. understandable, farming is a lot of fun, but next time you take a picture of your crops, make sure theres nothing in the foreground
  19. yeah, i could wake up everyday looking forward to that
  20. definitely not as crowded or as many cars as there were last year, but that was probably due to the weather, still a great show though with some really nice cars.
  21. I saw you, the ZR1 and two infinitis on 270 between 3 and 670. Was pulling onto 270 in the Yukon, and was actually just after I was telling the gf about the event and how I was bummed that I was missing it.
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