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Everything posted by Brrcats

  1. great concert, those guys can fuckin sing. I give an F fucking minus to the "festival" outdoor stage. Sucked a dick, parking lot dipped in the middle, so unless you were in the very front, or the very back, you couldnt see shit. I did notice that anyone that stayed after the clippers game got a free show though, pretty good deal for them
  2. I would try to rape your face at this event, but i'll be out of town
  3. Brrcats


    true, but if its an OTC vitamin that helped him out. I'm willing to experiment with it. it would be different if it were a prescription or a higher dosage situation.
  4. weird, when I checked the buckeye miata site, for some reason anything past july wasnt on there. I think I found a tear in the matrix either way, good lookin out
  5. Brrcats


    name of magic vitamin?
  6. where is the miata event at this weekend? cant find it on the website.
  7. Good deal, I'm heading down with the gf and a friend from work. We are planning on eating and drinking somewhere beforehand as well. I"ll float this idea out there.
  8. shit, I'm gonna have to start rowing with the gcra then
  9. its a fancy ass boat house for the rowing team my shit was always outside, or in a big aluminum garage type setup.
  10. I'll be there. Not too excited that mumford and sons wont be playing in front of the grass, but rather in what they call a "festival" setup behind the complex. I'm old, I want to sit in the grass and drink
  11. look for the coolest kid on the playground obviously
  12. fuck, i cant even stand watching that it may be because I watched God Bless America last night, but my patience level for any of this shit is at its minimum
  13. she kinda looks like that one muppet that was in the band http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-8AeGbYIAwqQ/T9V-YEJCdtI/AAAAAAAABEU/txrOD-Hpoys/s1600/janicemuppet.jpg
  14. dear lord, how have we come to this
  15. i heard he hurt himself on the jump, something with his toe maybe?
  16. great photos, I wish I would have paid a little more attention, this would have been great to see some of these cars in person
  17. I also favor the open condom style
  18. quite the stable, welcome
  19. i think i saw in a thread from BB.com that he's a vet who was recovering from an injury. dont know how truthful it is, but would make logical sense that he could be recovering from an injury
  20. I as well bought birthday and valentines cards from here this year. fuck hallmark
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