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Everything posted by cruizin01

  1. This is nowhere near the same ballpark but we rode RZR 1000's up at silver lake last year for a couple hours. Its a TON of fun. Everyone should do it if they have the chance.
  2. I would talk him into the Edelbrock. Its probably the best fit and finish for what he wants. He could even buy the supplied tune to start. Drive the car with that and if he wants to go faster he could do the upgraded pulley, and/or E85.
  3. Depends on his goals/wants and budget. Street car only? I would do the Edelbrock blower if he wants a straight forward s/c or the SBD turbo kit if he wants a basic turbo kit. Use OFT for easy tuning support on the SBD. If hes tracking the car he may want to consider the Jackson Racing rotrex kit. I got a steal of a deal on a used Vortec kit so thats what I have. Its been very reliable so far, but its only seen maybe 5k miles on my car. It was slightly underwhelming on a box tune on pump gas. (250-270) Since then Ive upgraded to a flexfuel tune. Its a different car on E85. (~300whp)
  4. This thread makes me want to get my crap together...ugh.
  5. Im interested to hear more setups/tips on using Kodi on firesticks. Ive tried several times to watch anything and it either never plays, buffers, or looks like garbage. I find myself just dl'ing the show/movie and putting in on plex.
  6. Thanks. We only had him ~8 months. We put a lot of effort into training, etc but couldn't get him to be calm around other people. Putting a young physically healthy animal down is a painful thing. I don't blame you for wanting to do it at home. I wanted to bury him at home as well but my yard was a swamp that week and it was dark and cold, of course.
  7. Sucks to think about having to do such a thing. We just euthanized our rescue less than 2 weeks ago. Miserable experience. I initially wanted to do something in home but decided to use our normal vet (Animal Medical Center). The Dr. there was great and made us feel very comfortable about doing whatever she could in the situation. He was stressed out initially because, well he's at the vet and hates it. But once he was sedated he completely relaxed for a few minutes. Our stress level went down significantly. But nothing fixes the feeling once the deed is done. They took care of the cremation and he was delivered to our home a couple days later. Ugh...
  8. As others mentioned, the docu makes him out to be innocent imo. I feel like it was drawn out more than necessary. Could have cut the episodes in half, roughly. I read today that some of the jurors have come out and said they felt pressured/scared into finding a guilty verdict. They felt worst case if they only found him guilty on some counts he would get a new trail, which obviously didn't happen.
  9. We just put our dog down the other night after months of failed attempts at working with him on aggression issues towards other pets and people. (yes we worked with trainers) What a miserable thing to have to do to a physically healthy animal. But we come first and cant take any chances with him biting/hurting someone. Sucks bad.
  10. I found the gladiator 24x24 cabinets on woot earlier this year for like $69/ or so. $5 total for shipping. I bought 3. They look awesome. Mounted easy, even to block wall. Have reversible doors. I want more... Garage looks great.
  11. Im with Smokey. Since buying up a few Milwaukee M12 tools I rarely use my air tools anymore. I havent bit the bullet for a large impact yet but everything else pretty much runs on batteries. You can buy a few batteries then just buy the tool-only at very reasonable prices. Obviously filling tires, etc air is still required but not much else.
  12. The woman loves Costco. We won't shop at Walmart or Sams.
  13. I used DM Thompson to clean both of mine this year. (first winter in the home). Nice guy. Seemed expensive though. $390 for both. Probably was there an hour or so. Answered a bunch of my newb questions.
  14. Ooh geez. Yeah be a good time to upgrade. My DW stuff has been great. Whats another $500.. :-P
  15. As others have mentioned those cars at that age are only worthwhile if previous owners have put some money into them along the way. And typically they haven't. Yes you can use one as a beater but they all will have some sort of oil leaks, coolant leaks, worn out suspension, etc.
  16. If it has check control for the lights its a 4 pin. Iirc it was only like 318's that didn't have it.
  17. I figured. Maybe call some of the brz perf shops and see what they have around?
  18. I kinda of wondered if you would have a hard time finding a single head, or even a pair of heads.. sucks. edit. Im assuming you tried the listings for heads on car-part?
  19. Great looking car. Especially in person.
  20. He works there, as its always parked there on the weekends.
  21. sucks to see that. if it was my car I'd get a head and some springs and hit the restart button.
  22. I guess the upside would be that if Dan does fix it itll be finished right about spring time...
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