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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. Don't make fun of me, I haven't done this before and really wasn't in the mood.







    I hit the shitter after I got the meat I wanted off that side. Man it sprayed! Luckily I had lightweight on and I ninja-dodged.



    Commando pwns you!



    Hope it's good.


  2. Nope. It had been dead a few hours, was still warm and limber. It was steaming pretty good cutting into it too. Choked on hay, they are really aggressive eaters.


    I don't know why I can't freeze it. I'd guess something about not bleeding it right away maybe? I don't know, but it's been outside and that's where it will stay until I can bury it tomorrow afternoon.

  3. Okay, Vet says the dumbass choked, so I don't have to worry about zombie-cow. He told me just to cut the meat off from around the spine, stick it in the fridge and eat all I could for the next week. He advised against freezing it unless I was giving it to dogs, and my wife definitely won't allow that. Anyone want pics?
  4. I assume I can take the bloodwork to any vet? I definitely don't want to get dead cow disease, but I also don't want to waste hundreds of pounds of cow meat when I'm kinda poor. Hardware disease, like it ate something that stuck it? They do eat everything.
  5. So one of my cows just died, a little guy about a year old maybe? So we can't get a hold of any butchers and I'm having a bitch of a time finding someone to come dress it or show me how to dress it. I don't even know if I can eat it or not, but I don't want the meat to spoil or whatever. I'm right in the middle of about 3 different things right now or I'd google it. Anyway, it's out here just outside Dublin if anyone wants to come out. I'll pay you in cash, or meat.


    I think the fuckin thing choked or something. He was fine this morning and afternoon, and he was eating and drinking. Then he just died.

  6. if you join the civilian marksmanship program you can get the .30 carbine in bulk at a highly discounted rate


    But it's still has crappy stopping power. A thompson would be better in every way other than they're heavy as hell, tricky to clean, and expensive. A joy to shoot, very quiet, no recoil... just like a heavy .22.

  7. you don't want a .30 carbine for anything medium range, and a thompson is even worse. Not to mention they'll be inadequate against even a lightly armored enemy.


    Oh, you should be able to get garands in the $450-$600 range unless CMP went crazy. I have two- one service and one rack grade. I would trust my life with either within 300 yards.

  8. Depending on what caliber your bolt gun is you may want an assault rifle in that caliber, because that's one less caliber you have to buy/have on hand. You can get a solid AK for about $400 now, and a good solid AR for $600. The ammo for both will run you $220/1000 roughly right now, and either will suit your needs. They are completely different animals, so shoot before you buy. Be nice to Chris and maybe he'll bring you over to shoot sometime.


    You seem like a decent guy, so I'll be happy to help you buy/build a rifle that will fit your needs and get you pointed in the right direction for some training. I have owned thompson, m1 carbine, garands, and mini-30 but none of those are going to be competitive with an AR/AK for the price.

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