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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. -If all you plan on shooting is 100-300yd, I would stick with .223. It's much cheaper to shoot, and you'll get the same effect. You're wasting money on .308 if that's all the distance you plan on shooting, unless you're just buying it for the cool factor.


    This is a good point. You can load very accurate .223 for less than half .308, just might not have quite the coolness factor. Less recoil though, and flinching may well throw off your groups more than anything else after 5 or 10 rounds.

  2. Maybe on failbox... I see a a few peoples on the ps3 every now and again. Hitman420 is on shittons.


    I love it when the other team talks shit. As long as it's all in good fun it really adds depth to the experience. I can't imagine being or even sounding like a girl online though.

  3. You can't go wrong with a rem 700. They're all over the place used. If you can afford a couple hundred dollars for a few months worth of .30, maybe you should look into some precision rifle courses? That being said, getting a basic reloading setup will recoup your money in no time shooting like that. I can load m118 for way cheaper than I can buy even the shittiest surplus for.
  4. Paypal always takes the side of the buyer over the seller. Thats why they can get on my dick...


    I agree 100%. They're killing/scaring off many good eBay sellers because of their (and eBay's) retarded policies. I have first hand knowledge of paypal taking our money and giving it to a buyer because "they say they didn't get it." It doesn't matter if you have delivery confirmation, if they want to screw you they will.

  5. I'll sell it to ya, buy S4 skidplate get a free VR-4 bumper! Yeah, I'm not sure anyone knows for sure why certain new cars are made to be hard to work on, but it's suspicious if you ask me. I just don't think they want anyone working on them anymore. What a bunch of assholes.
  6. I'm always very courteous to plow drivers Sam, but that still doesn't stop them from running over my mailbox or pelting my Audi with gravel-bullets every year. I had a plow give me 6 or 7 (I can't remember) rock chips in my windshield at one time, and Union county never did return my calls about it. How am I supposed to avoid this? My mailbox is marked?
  7. Very few people have the discipline to do it (myself included), but you could always set up a savings account solely for health care expenses and have money automatically deposited each week. After a while you won't miss the $25 or so (obviously more is good if you can spare it) and you'll adjust. This way you alone are in control of it and you get to accrue interest on it too. This plan sucks if you get the scurvy 6 months in, but over time its probably better than letting someone else waste your money. Yeah the non-copay price of some things is crazy, but if you're mostly healthy you might win out for a while. At least until you can get in a position that offers real health care.


    We're on the same page. I already have a HSA account, but in the end I'll be paying $2000 yearly for health insurance I likely won't use. And if I want to go to the doctor, it's going to cost me $60-$150 out of pocket on top of that just to be seen. Total BS.

  8. Depending on how much you shoot you'd be a retard to NOT get a .308 or .30-06. Since it doesn't sound like you want to crap out $1+ a round to shoot at long range, those would be your best bet. Especially considering it will take you shit-tons of training and conditioning to be able gain anything in a .338 over a .308. Really, how often do you shoot at 600+ yards?
  9. Yeah, I remember when the assholes at toyota thought it would be a good idea to go that route (cannister filter). A normal 3 minute oil change turned into a 10 minute messy PITA. Stupid toyota. Not that the 6-cylinder toyotas were ever clean and fun to change oil on.
  10. lol


    Oh yea, I sure as hell do not want to pay for someone else's healthcare. But every time someone goes to hospital and cant pay for it, we end up paying for it anyway in one way or another.


    All I think is that healthcare needs to be like auto insurance, required.


    There's a ton of people that can't afford it dude. Almost every single employee at my work would quit if they were forced to buy health insurance, because they can't afford an extra $50/ monthly, let alone the $200+++/monthly that small business health insurance costs. All that would happen is getting people to quit and live off the .gov. It's just too expensive, and even when you have it it's nearly worthless for small stuff due to insane deductibles and premiums. My health insurance will only pay for itself if I manage to spend $3000+/yearly on medical stuff. That's over 10% of my income.

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