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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. Toyota's new slogan: Moving Forward. (Whether you like it or not.)


    What should Honda's be?


    Hold On, Not Done Accelerating! (because they're slow)


    So HOT, they contribute to global warming! (because they catch fire)


    Honda: When you're so lame, an accelerating Toyota is too much for you. (because vanilla-bland sheep can't buy Toyotas anymore)

  2. When you get a care package marker, before you actually throw it down, you can run around really fast with it and kill people by knifing them. Fags take advantage of it and its nearly impossible to kill them. The last update was suppose to fix it, and I havent seen it happen since, atleast that I can remember.


    Also, the infinite care-package/ emergency airdrop glitch. If you get into a game and see non-stop air support and care package helicopters, they're doing this.

  3. I agree, but it's not Nissan's fault this dumbass blew it up.


    Knock sensors FTL. From reading through the forum it looks as though it suffered the same failure the EURO recall cars suffer from. Sure looks like Nissan's fault to me.

  4. Wow, just wow. It is becoming more and more clear that Nissan was really overstretching when they built this. A car of that level (or any for that matter) should NOT be having all the issues the GT-R has had. What a worthless POS. Gearbox failure, Engine failure, everything is insanely overpriced (bumper, hood, engine, etc?)... Should have bought a Porsche/Corvette/NON-Nissan.
    • Upvote 1
  5. Inflation is the backdoor tax. No new taxes, plus additional government spending via printing more money = your money is worth less.


    Yep, true. Come on people, you think all those homebuyer credits, cash for clunkers, and stimulus monies just fell out of the sky?


    Also true about the wealthy passing it downhill to their employees. My boss loses $50k off the bottom line, and people are getting laid off. How's that unemployment rate working for you? I know scads of people who are college educated, and would die to have $10/hr jobs because they can't find shit.

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