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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. Easy to sound smart on the internet isn't it?:D


    Yeah, he's a dipshit. I remember the liberal tard started that crap at Farm-Aid and got his stupid ass booed off stage. He eventually came back and just played, and it was okay.


    I'm sure this happens at concerts every now and then- I bet his assistant gets yelled at. When he makes things political he just irritates his conservative listeners. When he gets the state wrong he just sounds clueless.

  2. Pedestrian safety requirements are a newer thing for Europe. I believe there is supposed to be a certain amount of "crushable area" (I just made up that term) on top of the hood in order to cushion a body falling on top. Cars that have the hood very close to the top of the engine would need a system like the GTR's in order to meet their requirement, while you may just notice hoods being designed differently on other cars.


    You betcha. This has been a trend for years actually. They keep raising the amount of space between the hood (or bonnet?) and the "hard" parts of the motor, ex. valve covers. They raised it by, or to, (can't remember) roughly 2 inches a few years back, and a lot of vehicles including the sort of newish (at the time) mini cooper S had to redesign alot of parts to comply. Luckily for Porsche, the engine is in the back so they can keep sexy low hoodlines. Nice!


    Yes it's super gay, and none of these expensive complicated systems is going to replace intelligence. They're just required aids that nanny-states can cram down your throat. It's kinda like the 5mph crash bumpers that were standardized a long time ago, but far far less useful. I love my old audi battering ram bumpers, you can hit stuff and they pop right back!

  3. Fuck yeah it does! I still didn't puss out and hit the "reduce difficulty" button though.


    Im not kidding dude, ask Baney, there was some sketch going on last night. I'm standing by my statement about the two harriers and helicopter. They were all there at the same time! I wasn't lagging because I shot both down between spawn deaths. Seriously! Someone buy me a videocamera for some super sketch recording.

  4. Youre just mad that you suck


    Your mom isn't mad that she sucks! Oh yeah! Pwned!!!


    Well, let's not forget who had the better k/d until super spawn-death 2009 happened last night. Jaysus Chroist!

  5. Fast enough? That doesn't make any sense. If you're careful, slice the pie and clear out each corner, it takes about 6 seconds for someone to spawn behind you, or an airstrike to get you. There's nothing fast about checking corners and clearing out every room. It's an ineffective technique in anything but S&D. If you run and gun, said campers just wait for you to run by, and pop out shooting you from behind. There's just no time to be careful in a fast paced deathmatch. You have to be moving fast, which means you sacrifice some care.


    It's too bad it isn't more tactical and realistic, but with someone spawning every 3 seconds, there's just no way to ever have a large area secured without camping :(

  6. Very nice. That's way too much effort to go to for 536 whp though. With a nice custom rubo kit like that, just build the motor for a few extra grand and make 700whp. It's not like money is really a factor here now is it?
  7. He looks like he's deformed or an alien or something. Definately unique, but not in a good way. We'll see how long it takes an intelligent modeling company to capitalize on this. If you jack my idea you owe me 20% royalties.


    No offense Jovantee, you're fuckin goofy looking. He'd be easy to pick out of a lineup. What tribe is he from?

  8. Funny that you're bashing a number I was trying to recall off the top of my head (10%) when that's the exact failure rate of PS3's as shown in the PDF I linked above. It's cute, really.


    I've seen articles about console failure, but I still haven't seen a PS3 fail, heard of a PS3 failing, or even been able to make mine fail! I'm pretty damn hard on it- sticking it in a little cubbyhole, using it as an anvil, space heater, mirror, and many other uses. It just keeps going. See Chris, I bet you feel like an idiot for getting the warranty from best buy now? I told you so.

  9. Spec ops is cool, i still don't think it'll replace what Nazi Zombies was on WAW though. When i'm bored, I'll probably still go back to WAW and play zombies if people still get on it.


    Overall the online game play is good, but the campers are pissing me off. Like said eariler, as soon as people get used to all the maps, camping will decrease because the campers won't be able to survive in their spots


    Could not agree more with everything said here. I miss zombies too:( They didn't camp, they didn't hack, and they didn't even shoot back.


    Yeah, what the hell were we thinking buying PS3's? I just had too much money sitting around, and it was more expensive than an xbox so it made sense!

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