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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. It's true, the MP is really what it's all about. Spec ops is good too, just haven't been able to get online with it yet... Maybe if they ever get the invite system completely fixed...


    Didn't IW even try to use the invites in testing? Some of us have friends!

  2. Nice. Now all you have to do is stock up on cheap .22 ammo. Make sure it will run your gun okay, then buy a couple bricks at least. It's amazing how hard it was to find local .22 a few months ago, and the prices never came down at wal-mart.
  3. It was supposed to be important ***SPOILER*** because it's what instagated the ruskies into invading and all that I thought. They pretty much framed the Americans for the massacre, and then used that to launch a war. Doesn't really make sense, but it's a video game. I agree, the story wasn't as good as MW1.
  4. Can't go wrong with a p90. I've been rocking a p91 (similar, in .40) for years and thoudands of rounds, and can easily outshoot custom 1911's, glocks, HKs and many other more expensive pistols with it. Unless it's a safe queen practice is really more important that price, given all your candidates are acceptable. The P90 is a chunky gun though, so concealement is tougher.
  5. Psh, you're just jealous of the xbox360's totally awesome exclusives like HALO and forza. And Xbox is totally awesome, it sounds like a jet engine! As soon as it spools it's mad boostin' yo! And since you have to replace the controller batteries you can always have a bunch of mostly used batteries around for other appliances like hand-douchers, frosted-tip spikers, miley-cyrus pocket games, and tons of other cool toys! Hella sweet dog!
  6. Yeah, the riot shields are hideously overpowered. They put in easy ways to defeat them, like the semtex but still...


    Also the spawn deaths are absolutely ridiculous. Between the multiple harriers/ helos allowed at the same time, campers, and a predator missile I dies 11 times IN A ROW last night just from spawn deaths. Nobody else seems to have it this bad though. The game is not finished and needs work badly. The invite system is 100% fail too. I'm seriously disappointed IW put this quality of game out when they've had so long to test. Shame on them.

  7. I do love my .22 conversion for the ARs, great for training and such. The 10/22 is a great little gun. You can very very easily hit a propane tank at 100 yards with crappy wal-mart ammo, they aren't too bad to clean, chromed bolt, reliable and cheap. I got mine for $200 or so, but that was over 10 years ago.


    I'd recommend getting an AR .22 before putting a kit on a 10/22. You could also get a lower, then get a .22 dedicated upper and still have a regular AR-15 for another $450(for another upper) or so should you want one.

  8. Did you buy yet?


    I'm a fan of the ps3. You can install a different OS (like ubuntu), mine has slots for SD cards and such, 4 USB ports, media server, free online play, rechargeable controllers, backwards compatibility (for ps1/ps2) I'm sure there's something I'm forgetting... I'd be totally pissed if I dug my console ot a few years from now and couldn't play online because my subscription wasn't current. I still get the old NES out from time to time.

  9. And the OP payed $3/ round which is at least 50% less than the $6-7 you are quoting.


    Math Much ?


    Oh, wow. I buy literally tens of thousands of rounds per year guys, I've got as good a handle on ammo prices as anyone here. I promise. I don't know where you're looking, but normal crappy retail price on standard .50bmg rounds is about $2.50-$3.50, not even looking around too much. If you find deals they're closer to $1.25-$1.50ish, depending on what exactly you want. If you want me to get you some .50bmg ammo for $6-7/round, I will gladly buy you a couple thousand rounds TODAY. Shit, I'd be rich if I could sell shit at that markup!


    Thanks guys, I needed a laugh. If you want, I'll gladly sell you a few cases of .30, .45, or .22 loadings for a small fraction of that... should we say, $.50/round?:D:D:D Hell, I'll even load you up some M118 for $.75 each.

  10. yeah, there's a bunch of stuff to do. I'm sure there are trophies as well, for goofy stuff like shooting down helos, etc. I beat it on hardened, it would take a hella long time on veteran. Geez, when you die sometimes even in single player you get spawn killed a few times. Especially on the last few missions.
  11. Come on rowdy, we're still waiting for your second post. I think you guys may have scared him off. Use the your circle-track experience and give these guys a rub, that will get you into the VIP room.


    I keep thinking Rowdy from Days of Thunder... Anyone else? Isn't that the guys name?

  12. damn, just beat it. The story line seemed even shorter than the past couple.


    time to play online


    yeah, some major surprises there at the end, but I won't spoil it. The spec ops is hella fun, pretty nice how they incorporated the whole freakin level from MW1 in there, but backwards- very nice.


    Needing two people to do some spec-ops missions, while having a non-functional invite system- not so nice.

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