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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. Damn so much drama.


    I do want to say something though, I'm getting so sick and tired of people calling Obama a commy/socialist, it's really getting old. It goes right along the with things like blaming him for the Ft Hood shooting, and other ridiculous shit like that. That's all I have to say about that, don't want to turn this into one of those threads.


    Oh man, Obama is such a socialist and it's totally his fault America isn't perfect. That what you weren't looking for? I'm looking for the battle thread, since it isn't here obviously:p

  2. They do, sometime around fall/winter time they switch it up to "e70". I haven't figured out a way of telling when you get what. Luckily my car will compensate for the difference, I'm not sure what a carbureted car will do. But it's not a problem at all, even when I'm switching between 93 and e85, its ok to have some 93 still in there (the less the better obviously), the car will adjust for it.


    Yeah, but your Audi will also wipe your butt and do your laundry. Not everyone's car is so advanced.

  3. And people wonder why I think Toyota makes crap.


    Thats cool about the Audi coils, but mine are good. If only they had auditurbos.com, I would get one sweet reimbursement. Now I have no reason not to buy a b6/7 s4.


    Haha, if you would have bought an good old Audi, your original turbo would still be healthy and strong. Or a newer Audi turbo.... And yours are not good, they just haven't failed quite yet. I give it an hour.

  4. It's really easy. Once you take your class (which can be done a ton of places for widely varying prices) just call your county sheriff's office or a neighboring county and tell them you need to come in for ccw stuff. I did it in Deleware county, and they were super easy and cooperative. Just fingerprint, get a pic snapped, wait a week or two and pick up your license.


    CCW on a bike is a godsend, because before I had to open carry to transport a firearm on my motorcycle, and you definitely get some suspicious looks. I remember Utah CCW being really easy, and covering some more ground as well, but I may be confused.

  5. Look at the presidential election, most people that voted in that did not vote during this recent election season. I was pretty offended at the racism of that shit. Was that complained about....no.


    All this Bull about you don't like him cuz he is black, when people voted for him just cuz he is black...last election proved that. Where were all the people that voted in November?


    Good question. Maybe the free Obama-buses weren't running that day?

  6. Toyota trucks have always been stupid rusty, the old ones are terrible and having one that is 10 years old with the shit they are putting down on the roads I would call this pretty normal. Let's talk about how many brake lines I have had to replace due to rust on Ford's, let's talk about all the rear sub frame mounts on the Taurus's that get so bad it puts holes through the floow.


    I would call this excellent customer service if you ask me. I don't see people calling back almost 10 year old cars to take care of rust issues. I would have a number of candidates for other manufacturers.


    We have a Chevy that was used by dublin to spread salt and it's crazy rusty! The frame is solid, but we have had a brake line or two break (could just be driving off-road though). Any frame section should last the life of the vehicle, this is ridiculous. Also, VW/Audi is replacing 2001-2007 coils for free again, and they'll even reimburse you if you replaced them yourself. Beat that Toyota! And still no rust on any of my VW/Audi products.


  7. Didn't they have another recall for the same thing a few years back on older trucks than that. I remember reading something about depending on how bad it was, they were "giving" away new trucks.


    Yeah, I remember that too. Wasn't more than a few years ago I don't think. You'd think they would have gotten this shit sorted out, I mean what year is it again? Really makes you question the R&D process at toyota. FAIL!

  8. Okay. Google BMW rod failure and tell me you don't get SCADS or stock BMW's throwing rods and eating bearings at moderate (150k) mileage. Shoot, anyone who remembers the loads of M3's that self-destructed when they hit 8000rpm's would know exactly what I'm talking about. They tried really hard to fix it with that whole progressive redline thing.
  9. I would say 3k is fair for that bike. You will never get anything more the way it looks now. Trust me. Ive bought bikes 2 to 3 years old for 4500 so dont listen to dover...


    True store. My problem is I'm still stuck in 2002 or 2003 and think a bike from then is still 'new' :D

  10. At somewhere north of four hundred thousand miles :)


    Sure, if every inline six was limited to 150hp and 5000 rpms it would last forever. The guys that make power (m3's, M5's, etc) seem to have an awful lot of bearing and rod failures. What's that about? At least their engine blocks aren't deteriorating anymore like the older V8's or whichever one that was. Goooooood work BMW.

  11. Oh yeah, well my stock jumped 100% today, then came back down, and I had it timed just right. If only I had $10k in it AFTER the market crashed, and not before I'd be getting some new toys. I'll still take the couple hundred bucks. Boo ya!
  12. If you don't want a casino, tough... just don't gamble there.


    Sit down and shut the fuck up.


    Just for that I'll stand and talk, so there.


    So you want me to bury my head in the sand? That isn't going to fix our state constitution now is it? How about we amend the constitution to say I am the only one who can legally sell marijuana and alcohol, and everyone in the state has to come to my businesses to get it. Yeah, BS right?


    Easy for you to say. I don't live anywhere near it, and won't be burdened by it's detriment to society. You voted for it and now you're stuck with it.

  13. Actually I always run the same amount of boost whether I'm on or off e85. Its about 50-80whp that I gain from timing alone. I put in 93 for the MPG's and better cold starts.


    Yeah, I got your cold starts right here! You need more boost. I'm thinking we'll do the corn-broccoli conversion, it's called e-99-B, and is 155 octane. You can even add some hay oil in there to get another 10 octane points if you want, we should be able to push 65psi on that. Also I may have driven your car to work this morning.

  14. I really don't see what's controversial about that.


    I wasn't meaning to be an asshole greg, sorry if it came across that way. You are absolutely right about the maintenance costs affecting the resale. Fact of the matter is all cars need maintenance, and my stepmom got rid of her accord at 100k miles for the same reason I got rid of the A4. We just didn't want to put up with all the maintenance we knew needed done soon, so we sold.


    You gotta give the Germans the "failure-prone POS plastic water pump award" though. Watch out for that on BMWs.

  15. e85 is the cat's meow


    Sure Chris. What did you put in your tank again this week? How about last week? And the week before that? Sure you can run mad boost yo, but look at the bones!


  16. Interesting link. See any rs4's in there Chris?


    I would not drive any of the cars on teh least-expensive list though, but maybe my sister would.


    Also, in typical consumer reports fashion, they didn't even try to balance the results with real-world analysis. A viper costing 3x as much (as a SX4) to maintain over 5 years is nothing, considering it costs so many times as much to buy. (Did anyone notice I compared the most expensive car to the cheapest one?) If they had taken into account the purchase price of the cars, they would have been close as a percentage of the total price spent on maintenance. Yeah, someone who drops $55k on an nice Audi or BMW really gives a shit about spending $8k on operating it over 5 years. That's the kind of thing that doesn't really impact the class of owner until years down the road after it has depreciated and poor folks like me can afford nice Audis, but not the maintenance.

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