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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. dont worry...you're just going to pay money to go in and see a bunch of overpriced shit and no deals. people selling guns for 30% over what vances has them for, ammo even more ridiculously priced


    It's true. I haven't seen a sweet deal since about 2001 at a gun show. Every now and then something kinda decent will come up, but the dealers are seriously taking advantage of morons and ignorant customers, and the serious online guys don't even show up anymore. Sweet gunshows have died.

  2. You guys just need to get on some good teams, so people that don't suck can watch your back. You have to keep moving to keep people from running up behind you, just check all the corners for corner-campers, and people laying in the brush and such. If your doing terrible, just post up on a rooftop or behind the enemy objective and defend for a minute or two until you're back to even k/d. If the enemy has a UAV let them come to you, or shoot it down (takes like, 30 rounds). Just don't hide in a field where they can see you from afar. If you're getting owned, use perks like cold-blooded and ninja so it's harder to find you. Always use silencers if possible. Need more?


    And always always make sure you're not in a laggy room. You won't have a chance. Ask Chris how pissed he gets playing on my shit?:p

  3. Very nice. Those have been pretty popular track bikes it seems. Yeah man, I aggre with ^^ definitely get some race plastics. Don't be a dumbshit like me and wreck a nice set of street bodywork or you'll be sorry.
  4. True, boxsters are fairly inexpensive for a Porsche... But look at what you get? A mechanically reliable car that will be happy hot-lapping or grocery getting. Two trunks, sexy engine sound, balanced performance, and cheap entry price. You can get a Boxster S now for $16k, that's a hell of a deal. The interiors aren't as nice as an old Audi, and they're not super fast, but they are Porsches.
  5. Look at the bigger picture guys. We will pay for it on either end. I'd rather pay for an ammenity (CBJ), than to pay for the crumbling facilities and neighbprhoods.


    Yes, I understood. It is not the responsibility of the taxpayers to contribute to this cause. This is a good example of what is wrong with this country right now. The idiots who are keeping this going need to sell off what they can, and pay off their debts somewhat. Then someone else who is competent needs to convert the arena/franchise into something that isn't a failure. That is the lifecycle of facilities is it not? Someone needs to be held accountable and punished for this failure, NOT the taxpayers.

  6. Well, instead of paying taxes to keep a failing business plan afloat maybe we should just pay taxes that go straight into everyone's pockets who is involved. Isn't that what it would be? Taking money from a bunch of people so a few people can go on the way they have? Sounds communist. If it's going to fail, it needs to die.


    Oh wait, the casino will fix everything though! Let's just take money from them and give it to nationwide!

  7. My parents rescued an abused dog.. It's the nicest thing in the world but turns into a demon if you try to walk out the door of the house. He'll bark, snarl, and bite your ankles. I don't know what the hell his last owners did to him.


    That's normal with some breeds, especially terriers. They just kinda get attached and have separation anxiety.

  8. I've been wondering as well. They've been on the market for years and years, but I still see steel knives in most of the kitchens I catch a glimpse of. I've also seen the ceramic knives "never need sharpening" but I don't know about that. The first time you drop one and lose $60 will be shitty though.
  9. That's interesting. I have heard from two BMVs now (the one on Broad and the one in Marysville) that even if it's traded you must pay tax on the 'value' of the vehicle. I've tried that at least 3 times now, and their answer is always the same. I have also been contacted by I can't remember what state agency about fraudelent sales tax on a 72' corvette I sold- they didn't believe it was only worth $2500.
  10. it's easy. I would suggest filing a 1040x to amend your 2008 return. All you need is a 1040x, and 5405, HUD-1 form from home purchase (showing date acquired and price) and your last tax return. Basically you just fill out the 5405 (it's super simple), fill out the 1040x with the info from your last tax return... BUT on the back (or 2nd sheet) in column 'B' (the adjustment column) you add your $4k jointly, or $8k singly, then total up column A (original data) and column B (adjustments) and put that in column C. Do the simple math and you will come out with $4k, or $8k at the end of the form. In the explanation, just write "claiming 1st time homebuyer credit" or something like that. I don't have the forms in front of me, but that sounds right from memory. Let me know if you need any more help with it.


    Oh yeah, make sure your 5405 date acquired matched your HUD-1 form date acquired. Easy!

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