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Everything posted by RyM3rC

  1. That would explain the sexy vintage ferrari 250? not sure there this weekend. BEWARE! There are dangerous drop offs until whatever curbing or ? they're going to install gets in place. Also, the surface this past weekend was brand new, and I have TONS of asphalt chip buildup on the barrels of my wheels, so heads up for you fancy pantsy forged racewheel guiz.
  2. Hope so. Saw the ambulance out there right as we left, lights on and everything. Car looked good, was great meeting you and Derek and hanging out Saturday
  3. https://dayton.craigslist.org/wto/6125058918.html Go git it! Crazy deal if it runs and rides Those are good little bikes if he's okay with a slow cruising speed and not planning on much highway use
  4. Good luck, that would barely buy a beat old 250! Expect to pay $1500 minimum for anything road worthy, $1800 for something tired but decent and $3k+ for something post-2000 but ready to go.
  5. You think you'd need a brake upgrade? I'd get a 2009+ for a long-term investment, although they're damn near impossible to find and the values are tater right now. Hard to go wrong with a $20k 987.1S- throw a good oil pan at it, do 3rd radiator and brake pads. When you hit the limit start on suspension. I keep having to talk myself out of it.
  6. Is that your idea of a "fun car" really? Really?
  7. Oh no you didn't! Would you consider an R8 or gallardo? Would look good parked in the executive VIP area of princeton for sure
  8. Well, the asshole .gov restricted our 2nd amendment so we can't buy any effective anti-air at the local drugstore... so you'll have to get em either taking off, or landing I expect. Unless you can find a respray shop nearby, that will get rid of a few stars for cheap Fight it legally the best way you can, with the sleaziest shitbag lawyer that will bring personal ruin to all enforcement individuals or you know, get it dropped. Then run for office, write your representatives, or fight back however you can.
  9. It'll be a shitshow, and the .gov doesn't care because they put their corporate tax bux ahead of your convenience. Write your representatives, move out of the area, protest if that's your thing. It won't change itself for the better, look at the abomination that's going on the west side of 270 right now.
  10. Don't forget cylinder cracking, or bore scoring on the M96/M97 motor Porsches. Most of the recent "motor failure" threads on rennlist are from cylinder scoring, see almost no IMS issues anymore. Most of those that will go have sorted themselves out already. Don't get a cheap Porsche if you can't work on it yourself. They're easy to work on, parts aren't bad, but typically the lower-end of the spectrum cars will have a LOT of deferred maintenance to do- brakes/rotors, motor mounts, air/oil separator (which is a bitch), control arms, strut bearings, pinion bearing, coilpacks, ignition cylinder, water pump, radiators, etc which will kill you if you don't DIY
  11. I do monthly car races. With some street action on the side, when things work out just right. How the fuck do you race a clothing club?
  12. RyM3rC

    Auto Loan Rates

    I can confirm you don't need to be special to join penfed, anyone can- they have instructions on their site. Pre-election non-helpful advise warning: BMI had SLIGHTLY better rates than penfed for auto loans last one I did 8 months ago. Don't remember what it was, like .125% better or something
  13. Wow, that's pretty fucked up. Hope the coppers dept gets sued into bankruptcy and he loses his house and everything he's ever owned in civil court. Oh, nevermind just found out the passenger was actually a zombie-virus-carrying nuclear dirty bomb and the pilot was osama bin laden. Yeah, run that sucker over! That will teach him to speed/ride with his visor up/carry a passenger with a learner's permit/ride on the highway with a learner's permit/etc Don't hate because they're on a bike and you're not. Get a bike and I'll teach you how to ride. Come on CR, breathe damnit!
  14. I haven't been there in 15 years or so. Family was just telling me how commercialized Sedona was getting Yeah it's hippy-dippy-crystal-tastic for sure
  15. There have been piles and piles of new tract-built homes on the NW side now for 3 years and counting. I have no idea where all the $250k+ buyers are coming from, but people keep moving in. No new roads though. Guess traffic will just get even worse.
  16. welcome. what kind of racing? drag?
  17. I'll pay $5 per on-track minute to use cheaterslicks, but you'll need to meet me at the track and mount them for me. Deal? basically the cost of scrubs for the season, without the tire shuffle
  18. Fuck man, you put all that work into the exterior and one lil slip up ruins it. Bodywork is going to be hard for you to be satisfied with
  19. Join the Claaronitis club. It's going to get worse before it gets better.
  20. I can usually get into top gear on my way into work, but rarely on the way home. Usually I'm lucky just to get up to the speed limit in traffic
  21. Limit her shopping to only manuals. Then have her re-evaluate whether she NEEDS a jacked-up yuppy mobile. Then get something sensible, like a gti with an LSD. It can handle all kinds of casual racing without being too scary for the typical wife. And they're being discounted currently. All the interior quality she wants, with all the practicality and performance she needs. Boomdone
  22. I got some cheapo Nexen winguard winter tires to try out this year and they're excellent. Tons of grip in the snow, feel great at 90+mph, solid in corners and crazy traction in a straight line. Was hoping for actual snow this year, but nope! Snow tires on a rwd are complete overkill for weather like we are having.
  23. I'd be tempted to get laser jammers and a decent detector as well. The when you get stuck behind traffic going under the speed limit, you can plan your next separation brap
  24. Love the idea, love the execution. Taillights aren't my preference, but a new, high-horsepower, leaning-towards-analog driver's car is :megusta:
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