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Everything posted by RyM3rC

  1. Try both and run a UOA. If it were my VQ I'd be running a 5w40 :ninja: :gabe: :masturboy:
  2. It's a small difference between 5w30 and 10w30 of the same oil type, but you have nothing to gain and lubrication to lose. I grabbed the msds for castrol syntec, as it's widely available and cheap- 5w30 and 10w30 only have an 11% difference in viscosity at 40C, so not huge. Difference is less at operating temp. But if you want to give up some sub-operating temp lubrication for no reason, be my guest. In general running what manufacturer recommends is... recommended. For engine-specific discussion you'd have to find some VQ forums. Tell me I'm wrong and teach me something. ref msds http://www.flagshiphawaii.com/msds/Alphabetical%20by%20Manufacturer/Castrol_Edge_5W50_Full_synthetic.pdf
  3. +1 Yeah, that's the dumbest thing I've heard today. Don't ever run a 10w30 if a 5w30 is specced, unless it's literally running out of the motor and you want to keep it running out slightly slower at cold temperatures. I recommend you cease contact with these turds or insist they educate themselves on how automotive oiling systems function before they give some bullshit advise and some poor uninformed owner hurts his motor. Bearings are cheap, but replacing them is a pain.
  4. I used POD once many years ago. It was somewhat expensive to have delivered/picked up/moved, and they charge a monthly fee, but the POD was clean and in good condition and all contents survived the move.
  5. BECAUZ RACECAR!!! BECAUZ RACECAR!!! Get serious doge. With what thing weighs it's going to need some 305 trofeos and at least the big hemi. OR have fun getting out-dragged by every rental Ram and f150. Good thing those racey rav4s don't get the V6 anymore!
  6. 3 kids with 1 more on the way? wtf? Doesn't he see how our overpopulation is raping our mother nature and depleting our resources?!? Buying a new vehicle is contributing to the profit-machine that will steal his children's youth and turn them into super-consumers! They should all walk. Or ride a bike. But a used minivan makes sense too. Hybrid LOL He's just buying into big corporations marketing, then in a few years when it comes out they pollute slightly more than promised he'll be forced to take a handsome buyout and give his ozone-depleting pollution-mobile back to be wastefully crushed. Oh the humanity!!! :gabe:
  7. I actually love the environment, just not the wanna-be feel-good bullshit that makes a very fuel-efficient vehicle "wrong" while shitbox china, those asshole volcanoes, or farting cows keep polluting in much greater scales. It's shenanigans
  8. Shit I totally forgot I trolled in here. Looks like Clay has this handled Are you sure you're not just saying that to try and make some idiots look like nasty ol' evil super-genius VW pulled one over on them?
  9. Wait, I must have misread the many articles about this... VW knowingly devised tuning that PASSED the .gov required testing cycle, but under normal consumer use returned better power and economy? That's exactly the company I WANT to give my money to. In my opinion "junking" or "scrapping" a significant number of usable, functioning, fuel-efficient, safe, practical, late-model cars for the sake of "pollution social justice warrior" seems like the worst possible thing to do. Wasteful LOL. I don't understand how anyone that bought a TDI could be anything but ecstatic? They got a nice enough car, AND they get a ridiculous buyout now? This is America at its worst. Emotional and politically-driven punitive wastefulness. What a shame.
  10. RyM3rC

    Windows 10

    There we go, finally turned off. 8 seconds to login prompt, 15 to desktop from being shutdown. SO FAYST!
  11. RyM3rC

    Windows 10

    windows 10 LOL. might want to spend the time to turn off as much of the spyware as possible Also it likes to be restarted, a lot. SORRY NO INTERNETS FOR YOU UNTIL YOU REBOOT SORRY NO FILE EXPLORER FOR YOU UNTIL YOU REBOOT SORRY NO START MENU FOR YOU UNTIL YOU REBOOT Good news is with a SSD and cleanish OS it boots in like.... well I was going to shut down my win10 machine and do a clean boot, but apparently I haven't rebooted in the last 17 seconds so it's taking 3minutes......4 minutes... well, it's taking awhile to shutdown first.
  12. +1 Unless you drive out in the country where it doesn't get plowed,or have to climb steep inclines regularly, you'll be fine in town with decent all seasons. Can almost always pick up a set of OE take-offs with good tires for much less than the price of new tires. If you buy used, make sure the wheels don't show signs of bends/cracks, and tires are uniformly worn
  13. Meh, mass produced motorcycle engines have been making significantly better specific output for a long time. If they want to make big power NA why don't they build a motor from the ground up, instead of tarting up an econobox engine? Troll mode engaged :gabe:
  14. Found another http://carphotos.cardomain.com/images/0004/27/67/4087276.jpg
  15. I googled you and didn't see anything Clay would beat off to. Oh wait yes I did. http://carphotos.cardomain.com/ride_images/4/686/4949/39214974001_medium.jpg Welcum
  16. RIP, quite a notable Ohioan/American
  17. Must be the Australian version? Neat, like the color
  18. East side, LOL. Every time I'm over there I see something lulzy like that. Entertaining area, for sure
  19. Have someone mildly interested, but the ad is gone and they want more info and pics. Damnit gerg!
  20. Wow, no shit? Pulled a seinfield leaving on a high note. Well, that's that? Inb4 tv deal on top gear, I mean grand tour, I mean, uh, whatever.
  21. Cool project, looks like you're moving pretty quickly. Look forward to seeing it out at the track next year.
  22. Remember when that somalian dude lured a bunch of fellow students outside then ambushed them with a car and knife attack? Thank gawd vtach didn't engorge. inb4 family sues takata
  23. e36 is about as good as you can do for a couple grand, if you don't want a miata. really hard to find one with an lsd but still pretty decent platform.
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