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Everything posted by RyM3rC

  1. I like to drive 45mph on the highway, just so if I get a strong tailwind or downhill I don't creep up in those pesky 55mph zones. My prius gets better economy at that speed to, so I'm doing the world a favor. :gabe:
  2. If the .gov REALLY didn't want people to speed, they'd make it punishable by death. BAM no repeat offenders, ever. They want you to speed, they just want to be able to collect some revenue from a few people erry now and then.
  3. Write your representatives and call your governor, state your case, use facts and examples, and start a petition? 70mph isn't bad, but why shouldn't we be able to drive xxxmph if it's safe for the conditions?
  4. I only lived in dublin/muirfield for about 6 years, but I don't remember seeing a bus anywhere? All the laborers you refer to came in company vehicles, they sure weren't getting off the COTA in muirfield and going to clean the McMansions. I'd use a light rail even if it did nothing besides go around 270 with a quick stop every exit. Would be a MASSIVE upgrade from horridly clogged during peak hours 270, where avg speed is about 6mph on my commute.
  5. Never had a problem with fibers sticking to the meat suppose it depends on what kind of filters you buy. Not sure I'd use them more than once, but it's your call. I've made at least 3 batches maybe 6 lbs? that way, never had any problems. A lot of the dehydrators have heating elements, which is NOT what you want. I'm not expert, but I thought the point of curing meat was to NOT apply heat to cook it?
  6. Like this http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3457/3386932048_dcf86c49af.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3625/3386120877_a178110267.jpg
  7. I use flank steak, and add some honey to your mix, but close enough. If you're dehydrator-poor like me just get a couple cheapo furnace filters, strap to boxfan with jerky in between, and leave on a day. Bonus- your house smells like awesome. Thanks Alton Brown.
  8. Coulda had a V8. Also, do they even make CGI caddys? fail
  9. Gib ya tree fiddy with a tad more RAM :gabe:
  10. FYI Ruger has awesome warranty service. No questions asked, they've sent me free parts, fixed stuff I broke/wore out, they'll make it right. Savage warranty work was solid as well in my one experience with them.
  11. Also, cops aren't allowed to handcuff you then sexually violate you. http://www.10tv.com/content/stories/2014/10/29/columbus-ohio-former-ohio-state-highway-patrol-trooper-pleads-guilty-to-civil-rights-violations-cyber-stalking.html
  12. Stay away from New Albrony, some douchetard in a Fordcedes damn near ran me off the road last time. Had to get two tetanus shots! I'd highly recommend mountain biking, less crazies to run your ass over. Alum, caesar creek, vulture's knob, but you would prob have to drive there :gabe: :fa: New Albrony :lolguy:
  13. I've got two Arrow staple guns, one is old as dirt and one is newer and they both look identical. Those MFers sit out in the barn and always work when I need them to. The newer one is just the cheaper all chrome whatever they sell at lowes, if they ever die I won't buy a stanley.
  14. Better fire up the grill, I'll bring the pepper.
  15. Will be interesting to see how this goes. From the footage, looks sketchy to my layperson self. PAGE 1
  16. Nova with a 302? that's a very odd build/swap. Welcome to the site, been to marysville many times. How you liking that new meijer?
  17. That domestic terrorist is lucky that policeman didn't call in for his MRAP or helo support! Wait, was that a scream or gunshot from a movie/video game? EXIGENT CIRCUMSTANCES! Breaching...
  18. E60 M5s are wonderful and are on the very short list of V10 manuals, but GAWD electrical issues.... Automatic LOLOL
  19. RyM3rC


    RIP, here's hoping it's a safe one for America and allies.
  20. Yep, have to try and make a claim for diminished value, and GOOD LUCK with that. Carfax is a decent tool, but it's screwed me in the past as well.
  21. Oh come on, you know that ctsv is going to need some bushings replaced. Eventually.
  22. Which SHOULD reduce the cost of insurance substantially, AND make us driver-types have less traffic and idiots to deal with. WIN WIN! Gawd help us all with the crazy lawsuits for first couple of years though. Will be an interesting transition for sure!
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