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Everything posted by RyM3rC

  1. I hope that window rolls up, we might get rain sunday. Looks good mang
  2. Congrats on the purchase, look forward to beating you at autox for a change. Change your vehicles from "Overweight Datsun" to "Underpowered ToyoBaru"
  3. Bring whatever helmet you have, they have loaners you can borrow if yours is like falling apart or you're uncomfortable. I use a motorcycle helmet.
  4. My bad. Is this closer? http://www.oldcarbrochures.com/static/NA/Ford/1975_Ford/1975_Ford_LTD_Brochure/1975%20Ford%20LTD-01.jpg
  5. It's going to need more than a bath. http://strangesounds.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Pirate-ship-wreck.jpg
  6. Even if I was on pager I'd still be there.
  7. Nice. Mine came with dual piston front calipers For about half a second I thought it was a cb1100f (which I also had). http://www.ovr-scca.org/ http://www.ovr-scca.org/_autocross/schedules.asp We have some autox schedule stuff here http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=117314
  8. Well done. Nice set of bikes you have there. Honda needs more twin-cam. Look forward to seeing you at some autox. Looks like there's a cheap autox at CMS this weekend, you should come on out.
  9. Frienemies? Isn't that what the kids are calling them now? Did you guiz like each other on facebook yet?
  10. Very nice man, really appreciate you putting the work in for these.
  11. Would have liked Porsche to do a little better, but can't argue with another win for Audi.
  12. You have PM. Are you the white Cayman that has been at autox lately?
  13. OMG does all of facebook know about this? I better post it there so everyone can click on something I posted and talk about how great I am because I brought it to their attention!
  14. I bought a $25 powered antenna from wal mart, RCA brand? It works poorly, you have to mess with it for many channels, and during bad weather forget about it. Oddly down the road on a different TV it gets everything perfectly all the time. WEIRD
  15. Funny when we were walking the course we were betting on which of the cones at the end mothra was going to whack. I was wrong.
  16. What did everyone run? I think my best was 47.7.
  17. Spotted again at tuttle exit. Looked like a 30ish white guy, tanned with lots of tats and johhny-bravo hair. Couple of race-car lane changes, but it's okay because S5 = race car. Definitely a V8.
  18. Wow that is very useable torque for sure, could be totally tractable around town and beastly when needed. Inb4 people get another 100hp with stupid simple mods
  19. The episodes of top gear usa I tried to watch were so bad I could stand it no longer. Hopefully they've gotten better since their first season because I'm out of netflix bbc top gear
  20. all signs point to maybe
  21. Shit, hillary says it was a good move. Disaster will follow. http://www.10tv.com/content/stories/2014/06/03/us-captured-soldier-clinton.html
  22. Most ignorant-of-the-law people would think "passing someone on their right side" is nothing, but NOPE illegal. Most motorcyclists would think flipping their visor up at a red light is fine, NOPE illegal. Poor motorists just don't know what criminals they are until they're BUSTED :lolguy:
  23. Easy to say until you get a ticket for "passing on the right" or "cracks in tires" or "excessive acceleration" or "improper eye protection." Just because you're not speeding doesn't mean you won't get pulled over and ticketed for something else.
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