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Everything posted by RyM3rC

  1. Ruck running ftw. "So no shit there I was..." Now with video.
  2. No no no, I know who you're thinking of and he moved. They must be mistaken.
  3. RyM3rC


    Aldi is pretty solid for some things. Many grocery items are still cheaper at Kroger if you buy on sale, and depending on what you want Aldi might not have it. But Aldi is good for many items especially if you can't handle buying in bulk on sale (or manager's special) at Kroger. Worst thing about Aldi is they don't take credit cards, and usually when I go in I have to wait 10+ minutes in line which is extremely annoying. They might even be worse than wal mart in that respect.
  4. I'm guessing at this point they're a little too crispy, even for my taste. RIP deli
  5. Bottom line is it works in other countries, there's no reason it wouldn't be as successful here.
  6. Sure, be totally glad to take a look around this here fortune 100 company and see if we have anything for you.
  7. I'm going to guess jones broke it, better call first.
  8. Look at their page source, see where they put descriptions and ads, find out what forums/sites they link to/from, that kind of stuff.
  9. Pretty much go to google, search your product, click on first result or two, and if it's not your site then do what they do. Some things are just going to take time.
  10. Been a long time, but your robots.txt will restrict/guide the crawlers from search engines as they go through your site. Telling them "don't pay attention to this" or "don't go here" to water it down.
  11. Did I see you at the march? I'm in the far right near the back. http://i.imgur.com/TMy9vuo.jpg
  12. RyM3rC

    The Interview

    Meh, I'll watch it on netflix in a year
  13. RyM3rC

    New ride

    Totally stock :gabe:
  14. I prefer those summer A/S tires with 300TW rating. It's like the best of both worlds amirite? :gabe:
  15. Good. Now they just need to remove the ridiculous requirement for a tax stamp, and MAYBE they'll be widely used. Why are they such a hassle again?
  16. Fucking firetrucks. The columbus/hilliard ones are nice, and have sirens off when scooting through the sidestreets, but UA is like NOPE lights and sirens all the time. And I KNOW if there were an actual fire, I'd see the smoke or see that shit on the news. BRB, racing around town to rescue some cat in a tree :gabe:
  17. Seconded. Mine has been a champ, although they are less easy than most semi autos to take apart/reassemble. I have no idea what my round count is, maybe 6k? has been great and eats all shitty ammo.
  18. Duh, if you had a giant super spotlight, wouldn't you use it? I hear ya. Life flight flies over my house like clockwork, always slightly annoying until they're ridiculously low, and have to rewind netflix. Cbus has been flying around my neighborhood too, they're usually gone in a few minutes. Prob some officer stalking an ex or trying to scare something, there's no crime around here :gabe:
  19. I didn't see any schedule for the Feats of Strength, was it cancelled?
  20. Why not sell to highest bidder, recoup some tax payer $$$? OMG NOT MACHINE GUNS AND LAUNCHERS AND... newsflash, you can already own that stuff LEGALLY. 'MURICA! :gabe:
  21. RyM3rC


    Someone still owes me a CR beanie
  22. If all she does is basic internetz why not just pick up the cheapest win7/8 refurb microcenter has? You can get one for under $100 easily if you wait for open box/returns, got my dad a basic dual core refurb for $89 a couple months ago. Works just fine for him.
  23. Yep, I bought and sold a classic corvette project for cheap awhile back, and damnit if I didn't get those nastygram letters every year or two asking me to confirm all kinds of BS.
  24. Yes, I've been ticketed by OSHP for it on 33 near Marysville
  25. My good friend will stop at reds, look both ways, and continue through if clear, but dis guy... :ninja:
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