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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. i remember the time that i left all my valuables on my porch....







    oh wait no i don't.


    I leave guns and stuff on my porch all the time, but they're welded down. Totally worth it for the lolz

  2. So, he spent an ass-ton of time and money building an already edgy "streetcar" into an unlimited open-class racecar that is street legal? Must be nice to be too rich to give a damn about law enforcement.


    I do like he did the work himself and fabbed up some parts. Much cooler than some rich ignoramus throwing money at a slew of shops (no offense :gabe:)

  3. The only thing Audi has to worry about is not screwing anything up.


    There's a big difference between winning races and having a successful company. Right Ferrari?


    Did you read where of the nearly the entire purchase price is buying their debt? LOL

  4. The Magpul equipment and Mega receivers fit very nice together with ZERO slop or wiggle


    The magpul handguard will loosen up in the delta ring with use. They're usually pretty tight when they're spankin new, but after things get worn in a little some slop will develop. Totally normal, won't cause any problems.


    Go shoot and have fun.

  5. I was going to stay out of this thread, but I'm too bored. I'll just leave these in here. Choose your glolck wisely...



  6. WTF is wrong with you? Do you spend all your free time on some treehugging forum talking about peace, love, and dope when you're not on CR? Take your misinformed activist bullshit elsewhere you worthless delinquent.


    Oh shit, is it kitchen time now?


    I'm going to LOL when the administration changes, we got to a new war, and they try to rebuild all they worked so hard to strip down.

  7. Its sad that thats what its become. That people have to die for terrritorys. And it continues to this day.


    Well how else are you going to solve things that can't be settled through peaceful means? Violence is a bummer but that's how us earthlings have settled disputes for all of history, and that's how it's going to be for a long long time. This touchy-feely-BS of talking things out only works within the very narrow first-world bubble we get to enjoy.

  8. The so called "Arabs" where there much longer.


    Are you sure? Let me refer to the ancient texts, Chapter two, versus nine through twenty-one.



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