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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. Notice turbos feeding turbos, this is technically a "qasi-disaster compound system"


    Keep in mind this is a diesel....


    Fixed that little typo for you there.


    Considering the issues BMW had with the bi-turbo 335/535/etc I'd be a little reluctant to own one of these until a couple model years pass.

  2. I don't know how much they cost. Most guys seem to get them from bowling alleys when they're being replaced. I'm sure if this became more than an idea, someone could call and figure something out.


    If I knew what wood would handle the shooting, I could turn some on my lathe I guess.


    I could easily get an assortment of maple, hickory, oak, and ash to experiment on. Standing dead or live cut.

  3. None of you guys is any fun.


    Honestly, you should have used some smokin-ass hot teen girl instead of faggy McKuntry dude. Would have been bonus points for "My 38 year-old boyfriend is gonna beat you affliction-style"

  4. user experience


    Wow, that's interesting. I suspect ninja-accountants, because I know Porsche actually knows how to build a motor (or at least they did 40 years ago?)


    Now a Porsche with an LSx sounds even better! I bet the gearing would be all wrong though.

  5. http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT3FGSadfETf8Ff7K_IVRs2gO1WetiqEEpgdCQoAfWKkZD6Rl0Zzw




    Or are you the one who is interested in God, Women, Cars, Computers, Friendship, Running and Motorcycles?


    Can you please post pictures of these things so I can get to know you better?




    Also, if you were a current CR member, what would your name be?

  6. Setup a CR bowling pin shoot. Do the timing, make it a fun and safe competition.


    How expensive are they to buy? Anyone got contacts at an bowlorama anywhere? I could cut up some would and split it if you want something bowling-pin sized but much cheaper.

  7. I need to unearth my fishing boat form it's lumber-tomb. Also I should probably do something about all those leaks. Also I should probably gt a fishing license, although I'll neither catch any fish NOR get carded.
  8. Young cop, likely not much experience, likely a typical reaction. Should have just sat them both in the car, wrote him up for reckless, no seat belt and anything else he could have. After presenting him a ticket ask the kid if he would like to do this again.


    Stay the high road officer. Otherwise, no big deal, who cares. Get him some training and he'll be fine.


    That is almost exactly what I was thinking. I hope that policeman had backup off camera, seems a little risky to me honestly. Looks like a private lot.


    Grow up people.


    Edit to add, youtube user has some nice videos of hotties. Bonus!

  9. I keep kicking myself for not grabbing an m82 before obamascare when they were closer to $7k. I'd have to look at what the market is doing on BOHICA uppers. Every once in a blue moon someone who bought when they were cheap sells (usually old people, or non-interwebz people) and they let them go for cheapish.
  10. I've almost bought a .50 AR upper twice now, when they were for sale used. A few years back when you could shoot .50bmg for closer to $2ish/round it wasn't too bad, but prices have gone up. Still some deals every now and then, and I can very well see .50bmg going the way of autos. I still might grab a couple just for the investment value. If you come across any good deals on BOHICA or similar uppers let me know and I'll pay you a finder's fee. I haven't been on the .50bmg forums in forever.
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