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Everything posted by RyM3rC

  1. Wow, just amazing. To think this asshat was going for a Sheriff spot! What a disgrace. I suggest maximum sentencing. Can't they get him on any kind of felony for menacing or whatever? Doesn't sound like someone who should be allowed to own a gun.
  2. What a little shit. The moderator was too much of a pussy to put that insolent brat in his place, typical of teacher-types.
  3. It's like shooting a 5.56 NATO, but the retarded version. Ammo is pretty expensive, something to think about if you're a regular shooter.
  4. Seriously, just the heating bills alone are probably $500+ a month!
  5. Welcome. That's not looking too bad for a '91. Please don't be one of the DSM guys that spends money on mods before maintenance though. We don't want the mad scientist to have to pull apart the block and replace the piston rings you fried.
  6. Do the Dodge Rams still have giant wheels with a plastichrome cover over the spokes? Or are they actually chromed metal now?
  7. I'm not sure I quality for manlet, I'm pretty average-sized. Carrying a heavy-ass 1911 isn't bad compared to having so few rounds in the gun in my opinion. Not the best carry pistol, especially for concealed.
  8. RyM3rC


    Used it, works as advertised. Been around awhile. There are often things in Columbus and the surrounding areas.
  9. You could very easily lose that on a home purchase as well. The interest is heavily front-loaded, so your principle will go down very slowly at first. Factor in closing costs, maintenance costs, market-fail, and you're bringing money to your closing instead of taking it away. Seen it happen in East liberty. Also, if you're not used to a rural property pay attention to the heating/cooling/water/plumbing. Septic systems get super expensive if shit breaks, electric heating costs a fortune, Fuel-oil costs a fortune, and well-water has it's own set of potential problems as well.
  10. RyM3rC

    Fus Ro Dah

    Yeah, it's a reference to this nerdtastic video game that all the 1337 basement dwellers are playing. Or something.
  11. RyM3rC

    Fus Ro Dah

    Best. I used to be an adventurer too, until I took a table to the knee.
  12. RyM3rC

    1PN58 NVS

    Good lord, that's not something you see every day on CR. And on a .410? How odd! Cool pickup.
  13. RyM3rC

    How long

    Congrats, and good for you. Last couple times I've been to the Deleware county it's been a day or two. If it takes longer, call and see wtf is up. Concur.
  14. If the penalties were worse people wouldn't do it I suspect. Speeding: < 5 mph over, lose a foot Speeding: > 5 mph over, lose license for life + lose a foot Problem solved. LOL Also, rymer says "crime pays. How much can you get away with?" TM
  15. I've never stayed at those locations. I'm liking the Marriots more and more, but I get massive discounts which help.
  16. I've stayed in at least half a dozen of hiltons/sheratons and most were very nice, with free continental breakfast. Some are more dated than others, and even very nice places can and will give you bedbugs (bastards!).
  17. Watched this the other day and it was pretty decent. Was nice to see a little actual footage from back then, made it feel more authentic. 7/10
  18. RyM3rC


    Mandatory hipster draft. Let them choose slave labor camps, or military service. Either way we sell them to the highest bidder. Profit.
  19. pretty sure it's 2 if speeding, and 4 if reckless op. What's your ticket say?
  20. If it bothers you there are buffers that are filled with powdered metal (silent), tightly-packed balls (LOL), and other configurations that are quiet. Buffers are pretty cheap, just make sure you get the correct weight for your CARBINE.
  21. The buffer is the thing that moves on the end of the spring. The tube is actually called the receiver extension, some call it a buffer tube. Depending on what kind of buffer it is and what weight, it may have balls in it which could be what you're hearing. The sproinging noise is normal, and you can quiet it down some by doing silly things that may or may not compromise your reliability. Some brands of springs are slightly springier-sounding than others, but not so much that you would notice unless you shot a whole bunch back-to-back.
  22. Did you remember to loc-tite and/or stake the castle nut? Those little bastards love to loosen after a couple thousand rounds. What's loud, the buffer or the spring? How many rounds do you have through it? If you've never shot an AR before, the goofy noise will take some getting used to.
  23. Very nice. I don't like orange, but that wears it well. If only I didn't hate the interiors
  24. I'd highly recommend NOT buying land in BFE and building. I know people that have done this and thought "I'll be there forever" only to move years later (shit changes) and get totally screwed selling. Buying on the edge of Dublin or Plain City is 100% correct, even though it may seem like more of a drive now it is MUCH nicer to live close to town than Marysville unless you're from there. There are plenty of cheap places and good deals to be had in the 33 corridor between 161 and Scottslawn.
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