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Everything posted by RyM3rC

  1. I can't help but feel bad for them just a little. Who is really that gullible? Super fanboiz I guess. OMG Will lay 142.034 feet of rubber at 200mph! I MEASURED! SEE?
  2. Hello. That's a very nice car, especially for someone so young! Welcome to the site.
  3. PSA: If you are passing on the right, even without speeding, you may be ticketed. The OSHP got me for this once.
  4. RyM3rC


    this: http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRK-_s4uB8VhsLIgINmnW1Io_CMuKuC4AHxtutTYp2sVi6lufvdOA Am I helping?
  5. RyM3rC


    Is it this kid? http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSFUK10HoIvt7cyijIQapFt33BYXqYJBaRL-eCRhb3FnNbt5VFq
  6. RyM3rC


    Sounds like typical misguided youth. I've seen plenty of total asshats like you describe learn some lessons, grow up, and become productive adult enthusiasts. Let's see where this goes.
  7. I noticed this as well. Must have something to do with the BMW guy that used azz in some ebattling. As it was called, "5th grade..." haha.
  8. Hi Josh, welcome to the site. That's a nice looking car you have there, your passion for motorsports is clear. That being said, this isn't going to cause timmay-style drama is it?
  9. Not the best platform for distance shooting, and certainly not even in the top 10 in that price range. If you really really want something like an M14 I can understand that. Have you checked around the webz for used EBR builds? There are usually quit a bit of folks that build these, spend a ton of money, and never shoot them before selling them. In my experience it's not all that difficult to shoot an M1A well, but they are very expensive to build, and fussy to keep going unless it's just a safe-to-bench gun.
  10. Dude even if you're going 80 mph in the fast lane, if someone wants to pass let them by. Don't be an obstruction, those signs that say "Slower traffic, keep right" mean slower traffic keep right.
  11. Off the top of my head I'm pretty sure the 750s had inverted forks (don't look like it in the pic) and also braced swingarms. It will say the displacement on the motor in the unlikely event someone did a motor swap.
  12. I hope we can carry on campuses sooner than later. Especially with the apparent rise in crime going on near the OSU campus lately.
  13. looks like a mid 90s gsxr 600 to me, but I'm no expert. If in decent running condition, depending on mileage I'd pay $1500-$2k.
  14. Be Michigan, have dump trucks going 80mph on gravel roads. Michigan salt-flats.
  15. Yes. Results vary. I absolutely LOVE the "Slower traffic keep right" signs but they need big flashing lights on them. I'd gladly give a cop a donut to stop ticketing for speeding and ticket for obstructing the flow of traffic, reckless op for slow mergers, etc. CR traffic enforcement 2012.
  16. Damn man, last time I was in philly traffic was backed up for 3 hours on the freeway because some fuck stopped his Jaguar in the middle lane.
  17. For as much as those cost I would just buy or build a helicopter and fly to work. Traffic problem solved.
  18. This. People suck at driving anywhere, they just suck worse here. All I can suggest is you move to a rural area. Little traffic, open roads, but close enough to the city that you can quickly get to somewhere. Driving anywhere near 270 in rush hour would make a murderer out of a nun.
  19. Troll title change! I see what you did there. On a very slightly related note... Some sketchy-looking shenanigans with Patriot missiles seem to have been resolved. Those sneaky non-American's are trying everything they can to get our awesome tech. Just keep playing catch up bitches! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-16292244 Then they hold onto some crew and the cargo of missiles here: http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2011/12/26/world/europe/AP-EU-Finland-Missiles.html?_r=2&ref=world
  20. Wow this isn't in the kitchen yet? War is what happens when politics and peaceful solutions fail.
  21. I was thinking something more along the lines of dropping tons of pamphlets from B-29s saying when and where we're going to fuck things up, and if the people aren't out it's their own damn fault. Worked in WW2. Be America, be nicest military ever.
  22. Are you implying there are more Chinese carriers? This carrier isn't even a half-assed attempt at rivaling US naval superiority. It's at best a stepping-stone that will get them some training and experience. Don't make the mistake of seeing an old hull of a Ukranian carrier and thinking they have a modern, state-of-the-art carrier group ready to go.
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