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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. So if a vet robs a bank here in the states he should be pardoned? makes sense


    That's a little extreme. Let's try this: 2 men pee on your lawn while you're mowing your grass. One is your daughter's deadbeat boyfriend, one is someone who signed the dotted line to risk their life to protect you and your way of life. Do you feel differently? I'm not saying it was okay.

  2. Water your feelings on buying fix-ins from CheaperthanDirt or just off of Amazon? Wassup free shipping


    If you want cheap junk that is delicate, may or may not work, and won't last then go for it. It looks mostly the same as quality stuff! Depends on what you want to do with the rifle honestly. What's the old saying "buy once, cry once" or something?


    For things like scopes, lights, rails, etc. I'd spend the money the first time and never buy again. Plus then it has resale value.

  3. Someone triple post this.



    They are not cheap, Front suspension nightmares


    The front suspension isn't a nightmare. It will last 100k miles or more, and the control arms are pretty easy to swap out. Sucks to have to do it, but really it might take a first timer a couple hours +alignment. There are plenty of things to go wrong on those though, jesus.

  4. Now to get my g18 to be that stable on COD MW3


    The 10 lbs of ammo hanging off doesn't hurt.


    Also, the Russian Youtube dude is obviously more skilled than your delta-secret super-ninja commando MW3 guy. He's the one who should be saving the world.

  5. Who uses USPS? Well, FedEx and UPS that's who. As of a year ago FedEx was the USPS's largest customer, as a very large portion of their packages they depend on USPS to make the final delivery. FedEx's Smartpost and UPS's Mail Innovations services depend greatly on the USPS and give it a ton of business. Not to mention the APO service they have totally pwned, and the INTL shipments that USPS can somehow get things into places nobody else can, with little or no paperwork. I used to work at a small business that shipped 3k-5k small packages a week, and USPS was very very competitive with the under 1lb, and pretty close on some other stuff. 6 days a week is silly, and I'm sure there's tons of waste (ever been inside a post office? LOL!) but the political crap has already been mentioned.


    And with regards to UPS and FedEx sucking, a lot of that has to do with your driver. I've met plenty of drivers that were very hard-working, considerate, upbeat, and friendly. Some are total garbage. They should be bagging items if it's raining/wet, and if you leave instructions to leave the pkg. at an alternate location, "on the porch/around back/etc" they will in my experience.

  6. My mom recently bought one (and promptly returned) of the top-shelf 'Animal' models. I was tasked with putting it together for her and testing it out. It's chinsy plastic and barely picked up any dog hair at all.


    Maybe you guys got a lemon? I use my step-mom's old, beat-to-shit one and it works awesome. Sucks those pooch hairs right off a cloth Volkswagen seat. :masturboy: Or they could have gone downhill like most else.

  7. I'm not and have absolutely no reason to be.


    Well, at the very least it is a step in the right direction.


    I watched them talking about this on C-Span it was absolutely hilarious listening to the super-lib womenz talking about how guns are responsible for all pain and suffering. Then they get totally shut down by factual rebuttals. It is very hard to see how any reasonable intelligent person could dispute the rationale of this bill, but those politicians...

  8. It's a little interesting. I'm honestly not all too convinced some black-helicopter squad couldn't sweep you off the streets anyway, but the legislation that's going on is too ambiguous for me to trust our politicians with. More proof we need to do a clean sweep and start over.
  9. I've been trying to find an answer for this for a while; why in all hell don't diesels get carbon build up on the intake valves??? Higher combustion chamber temps preventing the build up or something?


    Some do. The older TDis got so bad around 100k miles the intake would be sucking through a hole of carbon the size of a quarter. You can disable the egr and they'll be happy and clean though. That's not port buildup though, it's intake manifold buildup. Plenty of older diesels get carbon buildup on the valves though.

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