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Everything posted by RyM3rC

  1. +1 on that. I have a Federal FA91 which is mostly the same, but the quality isn't what a JLD would be. It's expensive to shoot, is hard on brass, has a firm recoil, but is otherwise nice. They're very heavy, and the charging handle is very stiff, so not for smaller shooters. Cleaning is also a PITA, and depending on what brake/compensator you have on there, it can be painfully loud to shoot. It is a cheaper alternative to an M1a/FAL though, and the ergonomics are pretty decent. Every collection needs at least one.
  2. Yeah, that's a good point. These will be making their ways onto the craigslists/auction circuit in a few weeks I'm sure.
  3. Well I'm looking forward to it. It's being developed by treyarch so I expect better online support than IW ever gave MW2 at least. Plus, if the zombies make a comeback I'll buy it just for that.
  4. Ha! That's good for a laugh.
  5. The wife and I will both be there. Are you supposed to get a sponsor or something? I've never done this before.
  6. just for the record, I have had a shitty time with 5/3 credit card disputes. I got bait and switched on a $400 order, received $30 of it, and 5/3 told me they couldn't do anything for me after multiple in-branch complaints and a few letters. Thanks a bunch guy. Assholes!!! Recommend going to chase.
  7. RyM3rC

    vote here for

    beat me to it. Pics or ban. Make me laugh, it will amuse me.
  8. What is going on here? Seriously? I say bring it on bitches. The American people need to get behind this and fix it. This is some serious 1st amendment assault, and next they're coming after the 2nd. Damn you comedy central for being a bunch of pussies, and damn you extremists for even trying to bully an American. That shit won't fly with a real American.
  9. I've also got TW questions but I won't threadjack yet...
  10. What is that, a corolla? Ha!
  11. RyM3rC

    VW TDIs

    The late model passat tdis are really nice too if you can find one. Basically an A4 diesel. Of course the newer ones make a ton more power stock, and get better mileage with a little tweaking.
  12. RyM3rC

    VW TDIs

    Right. Jon's used to be pretty big into the tdi's, and had a successful tdi rally car. The newer ones with the dsg's seem to blow up when you mod them, but those are for soccer moms. My stepmom has an 06 and gets 40-45mpg all the time. +1 on the carbon buildup though, I've seen what he's talking about and it's crazy! I really don't think they're worth the premium they bring over the gas models if you buy used. I'd only get a tdi if it were new, because they hold their resale too well to be a good used buy.
  13. Something here has been edited. I don't like it.
  14. They should both burn in a lake of fire for an eternity, and they're both deserve equal amounts of infiinite damnation. How's that?
  15. Good luck man. I bought a home and H&R block said my costs weren't high enough to qualify. Closing costs, points, interest all count I believe. I paid about $5k if I recall (just off the top of my head). They showed me their little calculator and I was just a few bucks under the standard deduction, so I didn't itemize. I think that's right?
  16. Do you know how many days are on the ps3? Do you have a multiplayer account or something like that with a days played log? Mine was in perfect shape too and then it yellow-lighted You might also try selling the controllers on eBay, they seem to bring halfway decent money usually.
  17. That wasn't so hard now was it? His mom's name is Stanley? It must be a fake! Yeah, Kenya said he was born there, and I thought his uncle or grandmother or someone remembered him being born there? Of course with all those kids who would remember?
  18. Yeah, like the president wouldn't be able to forge a document crucial to his re-election... It's ridiculous that there has been so much debate over this, and I still haven't seen concrete proof he was born here. WTF?
  19. I've looked into them before as well, and they're really pretty good cars. Just need to change the timing chain tensioners on them if they start to rattle at 100k miles. Have fun taking the motor out! Also, it's getting close to wheel bearing time.
  20. Can someone re-title this thread already? I think it has gotten off topic.
  21. It still is! Ha! I think I've seen a few dozen of those running around! All joking aside, welcome and bonus points for actually getting to the track.
  22. What's your mileage if you don't mine me asking? I knew someone who had one when they were spanking new and his motor needed rebuilt at 30k. Don't know how he drove it though.
  23. I really like the c5 z06 for the money, but every time I see one in person, I just can't stand the cheapness of the interior. The c6 is much better, but it's still nowhere near where it should be for car as expensive as it is. It should at least be as nice as a new gti or something, which I don't think it is. That's GM for ya though. Trickle up philosophy ftl.
  24. I don't know man. They look good in person, but I can't even imagine what a pain it would be to find parts for one. I'd buy one for $20k.
  25. I would have thought all of those things could be salvaged from scads of other hondas. Without having it right in front of me I can't say for certain... but the cb750 brakes can be swapped onto most older Hondas easily, and they're dirt cheap. Might need to swap speedo gears to make the cluster work, tach drive should be the same.
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