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Everything posted by RC K9

  1. Out of curiosity, what is your reason for joining?
  2. I will be in Columbus at the end of may. Have one of these in stock and ready to sell me at invoice minus rebates. See you then
  3. I aint scurred. I jus tink dey freaky.
  4. Dude, she is actually kind of hott without her freaky hair. Peep her in this vid...kind of cute. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HScrUUDO_JY&feature=related
  5. Yes, massive expansion please. I will soon be in the market for a lambo and was considering sending it to UGR, but I obviously can't do that if their engineering sucks, now can I?
  6. Don't baby it. Thrash that beotch! http://www.mototuneusa.com/break_in_secrets.htm
  7. I have seen random vids of them at like a party or something and she is always in the background just standing there like creepster.
  8. Heck yeah dude. I thought it was cool. That girl on the drums was all intense and on point. They all did well for their age though.
  9. The mom is psycho, the girl is creepy ha ha.
  10. My wife sent this to me. I was thoroughly amused...and scared.
  11. I can find non-fox stories if that is preferred like... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mobileweb/jeanine-molloff/trespass-bill_b_1328205.html Or should I just let everyone put on their big boy pants and hunt for themselves? Fox news, msnbc, npr, wtf does it matter? Yeah they all put their twist on things, but the fundamentals of the story remain the same...or do they not?
  12. Otherwise you get this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvKIWjnEPNY
  13. supported by both sides of the isle...
  14. We need to do away with congress as a whole and move everyhing to an annual popular vote when it comes to laws, and the presidential election for that matter needs to move to a popular vote. It's not like we dont have the technology.
  15. I'll make sure to avoid it tonight. Thanks for the heads up.
  16. Screw them. Its their employers responsibility to pay their wages, not yours. If the employer doesn't pass along a fair salary to those working for them, that's not your problem http://mygeekblasphemy.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/2420-15826.gif
  17. Watch the little girl on the drums...girl can tear it up for being like 3yrs old.
  18. Don't run it off the BOV. Give it a dedicated line. Compressor housing/IC piping to controller, then controller to wastegate. And yes, you probably have it hooked up backwards.
  19. I think its funny the OP put a picture of Ed McMahon in DC's RIP thread...
  20. I will miss his new year count down...20,19, 17, 16, 18, 16, 15, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 3, 3, 2, 1!
  21. so much want. would love to own one some day.
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