Truth. I had a pretty in depth discussion about dogs in general with a friend of mine who is a professional trainer and how people/companies are on this whole, "all natural" kick with animals. Dog food advertisements showing a dog finding a bag of this perfect dog food in the middle of the woods and stuff like that. The fact is, dogs are so far removed from "natural" it's not even funny. We have taken an animal, bred it for certain traits, and force it to live in a human environment, eating food made by humans, breathing toxic air made by humans, drinking water treated with chemicals by humans, blah blah blah. Not saying you shouldn't have a dog, or try to give it the best food, air, water you can afford, but just don't think that anything 99% of human beings do for/to/with dogs is "natural."
Dude, I am deeply sorry. My wife and I had to put here 2yr old rottweiler down a couple years ago. One day he was perfectly fine, 2 days later, the vet at OSU Emergency Vet is teilling us he had this rare disease causing his immune system to attack itself and cause the red bloos cells and white blood cells to separate. We went from having a pup who was healthy but not feeling good to having to feel and watch the life leave him in a matter of 2hrs. 2nd hardest thing I have ever experienced in my 28yrs on this earth. It will get better with time. Cliche I know, but it's true. Hang in there dude.