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Everything posted by RC K9

  1. Saw these a while ago. Vader VS Hitler was pretty funny as was Einstein VS Hawking
  2. RC K9

    Troll Cart

    It was an Iranian drone attack.
  3. Colombian Necktie Problem Solved.
  4. watch it fly too close to an Iranian immigrants 7/11 and he shoots it out of the sky...
  5. Dude has skills... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0zuFh7iSyM Just watched this too, gave me chills...he is VERY good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snEXZZiKIus&feature=relmfu
  6. Saw that like a year or two ago. Good stuff.
  7. No worries bruh...vids not good enough to watch...proceed onto other threads. nothing worth putting a little effort in to see here.
  8. I have seen nothing more gangster in my life than this...
  9. At least someone gets it ha ha. BRB, gotta go sell some hash and beat the piss out of a samsquanch...knowutimsayin...
  10. NOOOO...that can't be right...I thought there was no replacement for displacement...vid is fake...I call shenanigans. T/A had to have a 1.8 swap from a n/t 1G DSM if this vid is real...that would explain everything.
  11. Will be epic fail. Just like the Little Rascals...can't compare with the old school originals.
  12. When I was a kid I had my dad pull over so I could cut the antlers off, does that count?...if so, I guess...this kind of lowlife...
  13. My muslim friend wishes me merry christmas and happy thanksgiving... Just sayin...
  14. Never got an actual speeding ticket...I got a reckless op when I was 18 and another when I was 20...that ish sucked. One Gahanna, one new albany. The one in new albany was BS though. Cops got called because they said there were some street racers. Cop arrived, I was the only person on that side of the street with a divider, I get pulled over, asked a bunch of questions, told I was lucky he wasn't taking me to jail right then an impounding my car. Let me go, called me that night and said to come down to the station the next day, and he wrote me a ticket for street racing and then said he would not accept anything less than a reckless op. Keep in mind he didn't see anything illegal, he was going soley based off what 1 person said they saw. Then I saw the police report and a 5 year old could have written a better account of what happened, and they didn't even get vehicle colors correct. It was such a cluster and after 9 months of fighting it, I wasn't getting anywhere so I settled for taking a reckless op and 8hr defensive driving course just so it would all be over. This system is obviously not innocent until proven guilty, not about what can an can not be proven, but whose pockets are deepest and obviously NA's pockets were a bit deeper than mine.
  15. No it wouldn't. If it was their land, that's one thing. They were on someone else's property, they need to respect the rules. If they don't like it, they can leave. Shane has very little regard for anyone else. Opinion of Shane would remain the same.
  16. Shane needs to be shot. that guy is such a disrespectful douche. He is going to get that group in some deep ish.
  17. +1. Looks about as safe as the video(s) I just watched in another thread in this section...
  18. RC K9

    Gun season

    The biggest deer I shot was in rain/drizzle. I actually don't mind it as long as it's not a monsoon.
  19. Bump for nice car. I have seen it in person.
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