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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. marion a possibility. doubtful on d42.
  2. bump. still got this thing
  3. 140 for the monitor. x233h wasnt looking to seperate. 450 for the PC.
  4. http://columbus.craigslist.org/sys/2038859581.html This bitch will refresh CR so fast your head will spin. http://lh3.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TO_vimXR_uI/AAAAAAAABJg/_BWOCHyogZ0/s800/PICT0291.JPG everything you see included.
  5. http://i.pinger.pl/pgr117/9b814f84000878244c698f7d/winrar.png
  6. too much plastic under that hood. god.
  7. jeffro


    spelled plumber btw.
  8. jeffro


    what kind of ball? i have this flexible pincer thing that might be able to get ahold of it. http://toolmonger.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/07/grabbertool.jpg
  9. his DD is stock. wow. id rock it.
  10. jeffro


    get under your house, providing its a first floor bathroom, and check the trap. else, take the cover off the drain, and use some creativity to get it out.
  11. turned my other music own:thumbup:
  12. shes really comming along AJ. looks great!
  13. must have smoked a ton of it. only lasts about a half hour for me. pretty intense high for being legal. close to the real deal and even tastes good.
  14. is that car a manual? almost looks like a Pressure plate bolt. like AJ said, might get some vibrations. lucky it didnt chew any teeth of the flywheel.
  15. counter-strike, work on cars, press "new posts", masturbate.
  16. thought you said GPS wasnt accurate for speed faggot
  17. are you talking about mozilla ftp? i use that at work often.
  18. Edit nvm didn't see you hooked it directly to your cable modem.
  19. Let's start with some simple troubleshooting. You said it wworked before rebooting. Are you on a static IP address for that machine or is the ip assigned through dhcp? If dynamic your address could have changed and the portforward in your router could be assigned to a wrong address now.
  20. jeffro

    tonite 10/29

    what time i still gotta shower. im fucking starving.
  21. My favorite time of the year is coming up for Wx observations. Similar to last year, this year i will be following storms weeks out and watch them develop as they get closer to forming. For those of you interested in learning about meteorology, head over to the Accuweather.com forums here: http://forums.accuweather.com/index.php?showforum=11 Tons of interesting things to read/look at. There you can find long range models, make predictions, and watch them come to life. adding a link for future models: http://raleighwx.americanwx.com/models.html http://www.accuweather.com/blogs/meteomadness/story/38281/henrys-winter-forecast-for-dec-1-2010-to-march-31-2011.asp According to Henry Margusity, a well respected forecaster from Accuweather.com, looks like we'll have an active winter, with lots of mixed precip and ice. video inside the link. I know there are several people here involved with snow removal, so thought you'd be interested in what you have to look forward to. http://vortex.accuweather.com/adc2004/pub/includes/columns/margusity/2010/590x447_10041518_highlights.png http://vortex.accuweather.com/adc2004/pub/includes/columns/margusity/2010/590x447_10041519_snowfall.png http://vortex.accuweather.com/adc2004/pub/includes/columns/margusity/2010/590x447_10041517_precip.png http://vortex.accuweather.com/adc2004/pub/includes/columns/margusity/2010/590x447_10041527_temps.png
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