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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. Live in Dublin, work in Delaware. Minimal traffic taking riverside all the way north to 42. Two nights a week i have to drive downtown for school. Usually take 315 which is against the flow, so it only takes me 20 minutes from my parking spot to parking spot. The columbus traffic is one of the reasons the missus and i are looking to find a house out towards Ostrander, Radnor, Waldo, or Ashley. Zero traffic ever.
  2. Where do i join? Related.. I cant stand it when city folk come up to Powell/LC thinking its country back roads and ride during 5pm rush hour. Traffic is bad enough up this way. We don't need a moving hazard crawling down the road.
  3. Am i the only one around here who expects everyone to pull in front of me and coasts through intersections with my foot hovering above the brake pedal? Every... Single... Time....
  4. Is this strictly a moral issue or is there something deeper here? I dont see the point in trying to combat it. If you protest, theyre just going to do whatever it is youre afraid of somewhere else and probably 10x worse. Maybe have a talk with her about it. Ask her to be respectful (and by respect i mean not doinking in the kitchen or on furniture) and if she obliges, show respect back.
  5. Picture of what youre trying to make? I have experience in CAD and inventor, and solidworks.
  6. You can use a kinnect sensor somehow to scan the item. They can be found cheap on CL or ebay.
  7. http://www.makexyz.com I wish i still had mine. When i get a house i will get another one for my office.
  8. Old android phone running IP cam. Has built in recording and will overwrite when full. Have it mounted in the upstairs window using a suction cup mount.
  9. Cite both drivers. Cite the white car for being a dumbass and blocking traffic. The intersection was already clogged yet he still decided to pull into it anyways. Cite the biker for being a bit overzealous in his acceleration from the light.
  10. Yeah mad hatter isn't really set up for custom exhaust set ups. Typically its a get you in and out as fast as possible type business. However, the once time i had to use them they fixed me up cheap and fast as fuck.
  11. jeffro

    March Madness

    Kansas lost? LOL nice.
  12. Sounds like splints. I get them on my shins after i havnt ran in a while. They go away after a few weeks and dont return.
  13. Does the metal banded one have the date?
  14. Or, buy a1 generation old used phone off cl or ebay and get the best of both worlds. A cheap phone that should still last you several years and give you a lower payment. Related; my gfs payment went up 20$ after her phone was paid off. Fuckin crooks.
  15. jeffro

    March Madness

    I enjoy watching Ohio State but beyond that i try not to get too involved. At work i get to see who all is watching during work, so i have that going for me, which is nice.
  16. 1 full box of 6013s unopened and 2/3 box 6011s. Both are Lincoln. The 6013s are still in the plastic wrap. I purchased these for my HF welder but its not strong enough to use them. Looking to get 15$ for both picked up in Dublin or trade for some 1/16th" sticks. http://i.imgur.com/kYxc5as.jpg http://i.imgur.com/GzWXvoL.jpg
  17. Samsung Laserjet or go home. Got one from MC a few months ago and have been very happy with it. Fuck inkjets. Source:I work in IT and have a clue.
  18. like the $125m price tag on buckeye lake to push some dirt around with a few dozers? :dumb:
  19. I need to convince my sister and father to go to something like that. She still lives at home and they both enable each other. Getting hammered 5/7 nights a week is fucked up. Especially considering my fathers bout with liver cancer 2 years ago.
  20. I looked up the specs on his camera and about had a heart attack. The body alone is running 6 Gs right now. that 600mm lense? Add another 6k. Plus whatever else he is carrying on his persons. Makes me want to sell my camera and never take another shot again. lol.
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