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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. jeffro


    Most youtubers make an average of $1.00/1000 views.
  2. jeffro

    F-ing Tinder

    I swipe all, then weed out the results later. Hell, half the time i dont even look at their profiles. Disclaimer; by all i mean non-hamplanets.
  3. Every time someone complains about columbus traffic over on reddit there are a million people telling them there is no traffic problem. There definitely is a fucking traffic problem during peak times. I used to live on Gemeni, and there were certain times of the day when you just flat out didn't travel. I live/work in Delaware now and traffic is usually minimal compared to the hive that is Columbus. I dread driving into the city pretty any time of the day now.
  4. Where's lauren to tell us how bad the Indians are?
  5. Why does he always look stoned as fuck.
  6. I had to stop half way before i got in trouble. Too much laughter.
  7. I drive a Honda for a daily so i just put one on so i dont get hassled for no reason.
  8. jeffro

    New here

    Burmese (Roy) doesnt come here anymore.
  9. Cool as always Doc. I spent a week at snowshoe 2 winters ago. Great skiing there in the colder months.
  10. Does the get one have to be gotten at the same time as the buy one?
  11. Explains a lot. GOT EM!
  12. http://i.imgur.com/rcL7jE6.png ...isn't laying broken and dead in [a small group of trees] of trees or something? Interesting. Video is nuts. One small slip and that dude is broke.
  13. The announcers last night while watching the bama game: "This alabama defense is the best ive ever seen, ever" Hogs had already scored 2X points. yeah, best ever.
  14. jeffro

    Kodi users

    No issues out of ice films here. It never hurts to have a couple of different apps installed. I usually start with ice films, and if it doesnt work after 1 or 2 tries ill go to project free tv or genesis.
  15. jeffro

    Kodi users

    When i cancelled TWC they didnt fight or fuss at all. Arent the "contracts" just guaranteed prices for a year?
  16. Honduhhh. Want to race my accord?
  17. jeffro


    Pretty much this. We recently tested an att and sprint phone here in Delaware and we could barely get 1mb DL speeds. With VZW in the same area we get 30+ most times.
  18. jeffro

    Kodi users

    Start here: Then do this: For sports devil: When in the sports devil app under live sports, there is a source called rojadirecta.me. Those are p2p links and it will give you the option to watch them in p2p streams.
  19. Clemson shit the bed today. damn.
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