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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. Picked one up on ebay the other day only to get it and find out the servos were grinding and the autofocus was inoperable. Still looking.
  2. OPs title. Using present tense with past tense.
  3. so is that going to be spammed to death on the radio for the next 3 months?
  4. So uh, where is the youtube link? Edit, nvm, found it. Interesting lyrics.
  5. Looking to see if anyone has an 18-200 or 55-200 kit lens they would part with on the cheap. Needs AF but not really worried about f value. Nikon F mount. Any brand.
  6. Is the Sigma stuff any good? Looking for a cheap 200mm and they're all over ebay for fairly cheap. Or would i be better off buying a used kit lens?
  7. Perhaps, but think of parking garages after events downtown. Good fucking luck backing out. Id rather be slightly pointing the wrong way than have to sit there for 40 minutes because nobody wants to let you out.
  8. So when im done fuckin dat pussay i can get the fuck out of there asap.
  9. jeffro

    Kimbo Slice

    I remember him from back in the street fighting days when he would literally punch peoples eyes out of their head. Back before the internet was cool. Just found the video. That was back in 2008.
  10. I can only imagine the look on the responding officers face when he sees the skid marks continuing for a half mile. (assuming the police even came lols)
  11. Bruh this is every single company in the unites states right now. Insurance companies included.
  12. Id buy this if i didnt already have a macbook. Good deal for someone. GLWS.
  13. How long before you have to fill out waivers and have a background check completed prior to entering the zoo?
  14. Puts loud exhaust on car, complains when loud. The buster.
  15. El oh fucking el. My neighbors kids (high school age) like to have parties when their parents are gone. I need to consider one of these. Though i wonder, is there one that actually makes no sound but gives people headaches?
  16. Those protestors are fucking idiots and deserved to get ran over. That person in the red lmao.
  17. jeffro

    Part-Time Work

    Are there any legit work from home opportunities out there? Living up north is somewhat limiting finding work that isnt fast food.
  18. Electrify the door bell button.
  19. Andy and Patrick are who you are likely thinking of.
  20. Okay, now that im back at a computer: 1. What do you want to get out of your PWS? 2. Just looking for something to put hang on your wall or do you want to be able to stream it to to the internet? 3. What is your budget?
  21. Install gentoo. Try a new CD drive. Try a different port.
  22. Vantage 2 pro or bust. Can use it to set up a PWS on wunderground.
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