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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. I honestly did not know who to root for last night. Part of me wanted FL ST to lose so ohio moves up in the polls, but the other part of me wanted OM to lose because well their sec. I guess when OM beats bama now it will make them look worse.
  2. Even if alabama loses, theyll be right back up at the top. Only way to get them out for good is to lose at the end of the season.
  3. No mention of getting out of bed at 5am. No thanks. Only problem i have with evening work outs is that the caffeine tends to keep me up for a bit. Probably compounds my getting up early problem.
  4. Pretty much any VW fanboi (cough cough farkas cough) will drive any heap so long as its got the VW badge on it.
  5. I am convinced artists pay to get their stuff on the radio. Some songs (not necessarily T1P) are just horrible yet they play that shit on blast.
  6. You need to seed. the grass will choke out the weeds. If you just spray and spray, the dirt wont even be able to sustain grass growth.
  7. This. Where is the water going to go when it rains? a few inches of soil can only hold so much water. A simple weed and feed two or three times a year would probably take care of the weeds.
  8. They will be playing this year or next?
  9. You mean things people actually own? God insurance companies are such a rip.
  10. jeffro

    nfl on kodi

    Not through sports devil. Live events only.
  11. Certain processors/motherboards can only handle so much.
  12. jeffro

    nfl on kodi

    Never had any issues finding games. The issue is usually a matter of quality. If you have a smaller tv quality doesnt really matter, but on my 60" tv, 480p kind of sucks... lol Alternatively, http://www.reddit.com/r/nflstreams for NFL.
  13. jeffro

    nfl on kodi

    OSMC? Is that like OpenELEC? Open elec is just a super slim linux OS with Kodi embedded so when i boot the machine is just goes right into kodi.
  14. Buy prebuilt system with a good case(Something that has extra bays and PCI slots) and decent specs at microcenter. Wipe the OS that came with it then reload it yourself. Manufacturers get discounts on parts that is unbeatable if you try to piece one together yourself. You should be able to use the key on your case when reinstalling windows. Windows alone is like $100.
  15. jeffro

    nfl on kodi

    Sports devil. quality might be 480 or 720p but meh. its free. Some of the p2p stuff on there is 1080 and 1440p. My internet cant even keep up with that shit.
  16. Just curious, what is the deductible on 25k? Probably more than what i own. Moving into a place of my own here in about 3 weeks. Thanks for the thread OP.
  17. Does she have more teeth than a normal human or am i being deceived?
  18. https://www.boat-ed.com/ohio/boating_law.html Says anyone born 82 or after. Makes me feel fortunate i took it when i was like 12.
  19. Give you $25 for it. Serious offer.
  20. Where is garage sale? I need to know
  21. As of right now i am still using the mower. Ill get pics/info up as soon as i can. My expected move out date is Sept 15 so it will be available around then.
  22. That is cool. Just curious, lead is pretty cheap no? How much are you actually saving by melting it down if you factor in time spent?
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