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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. Michigan state looking sad.
  2. jeffro

    Kodi users

    No, rabbit eats for basic.
  3. jeffro

    8GB PC RAM

    8 GB DDR2 800 G Skill RAM. Pulled from my working machine. Absolutely zero issues. Never overclocked. Maybe a couple dozen hours on them. I put them in right before i moved a few years back and never really got back into PC gaming. No idea what theyre worth. $40 and its yours. http://i.imgur.com/E5kSYI4.jpg Also have a Hyper 212 Heatsink/Fan combo. Specs here: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103099 $10 bucks.
  4. jeffro

    Kodi users

    Maybe it was 720p. Stream was advertised as 2500k whatever that means. Picture was crystal clear on my 60" tv. p2p is how.
  5. jeffro

    Kodi users

    Yours must be broken or something. I've been watching mine lately with no issues. Used icefilms for tv shows and watched the Houston game in 1080p last night.
  6. jeffro

    Kodi users

    Another option would be to use reddit. reddit.com/r/nflstreams reddit.com/r/cfbstreams reddit.com/r/mlbstreams links only get posted during the game.
  7. jeffro

    Kodi users

    sportsdevil Get p2p working and use rojadirectame or whatever its called. You can get some nice 1080p streams that way.
  8. Anyone ever use that allconnect service you get transferred to after setting up electric through AEP? The lady i spoke to claimed that their rates were the best in the business for TWC internet. When i told her no she basically told me too bad, im signing you up anyway. When i yelled at her she said okay, and hung up. Later that evening i got online to TWCs website and found a faster internet package for $10/mo cheaper. I even got to install everything myself that same day. Bastards. Avoid Allconnect at all costs.
  9. So good i had to watch it a second time. What was she thinking, honestly?
  10. Hell i was picking up channel 6 w/o issues up in marion with rabbit ears sitting behind the TV. I had a cheapo amplifier helping.
  11. Cut a coil off the stang. Everything worked out okay.
  12. Bling bling donk donk motha fucka.
  13. Dad's can be stubborn. My dad had cash in hand and was on his way to Meijer to wire money to some guy for a truck he thought he was about to buy. Pretty much had to scream at him before i got it. Not saying you need to scream, but present some evidence. Link him to some LS forums with folks blowing their engine up. Otherwise, sit back and when shit blows up, say "I told you so" with a smug look on your face.
  14. On the power piece, From my experience... there is a single coax cable that runs from the antenna into your home. You then plug the coax into this box that should be included which has a power plug and output jack. Then you run a coax form the box to your tv. That box serves as a controller (if its motorized) and an amplifier. somehow they run a control wire through the coax. I had a cheapo from microcenter that worked like this. Dunno where you live, but a simple flat window antenna might work just as well.
  15. jeffro

    Is 1080 HD?

    I did TWC's DIY kit. When i picked up my modem the lady at the TWC place said that since the line was already active they wont be sending a tech out. But hey, if they do, where would i find the line filter :gabe:
  16. jeffro

    Is 1080 HD?

    I just moved into a new apartment a few days ago. Hooked my tv up to the coax jack on the wall and bam, 117 cable channels lol. I think they forgot to disconnect something.
  17. Networks should have 1 announcer from each team for the broadcast. Now THAT would be entertaining.
  18. jeffro

    WTB: Macbook

    Likely a core 2 duo 2.5 or 2.6ghz with 2 or 4gb RAM. 250GB HDD.
  19. For those of you that have your TV mounted on the wall, what are you using the hold your cable box, media centers, etc....? I will be mounting my 60" tv to the wall in my new home, but cannot decide what to put under it. Ideally something slim as there is not a ton of space in the living room. A floating shelf would be cool, but haven't found one i liked.
  20. Watched like 2 hours of the first night it aired before going to bed. saw it on again the next day and figured it was a rerun. Is there more than one episode?
  21. Pending. That didn't take long.
  22. No longer own a home so I have no use for this any more and I dont feel like paying to keep it in storage. Scotts by John Deere mower. 17.5 HP Kohler engine. 42" cutting deck. Approximately 500 hours. Cuts straight and even. Reverse pedal, headlights, etc... Only bad is the seat is a little cracked and there is the tiniest bit of idle surge but never bothered me enough to try to fix it. All parts are available through your local John Deere dealer. 5 Gal. gas can included. No haggle CR Price: $400. For $500 ill throw in a 2500 lb winch and a snow blade, but you will have to make a bracket for it. (Paging Adam) Pics: http://i.imgur.com/LqdWQsZ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/EzMn6a8.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Z5VhMKw.jpg http://i.imgur.com/lhsFBm8.jpg
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