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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. Yeha i know. Tee only under my coat. Might not even wear anything under my pants. Temps should be around 40 while were there. Meh.
  2. Meh. The gf got me a 300$ armada coat for Christmas and im dieing to try it out.
  3. Ill be up this evening. Going to get my fix in before this December thaw hits. 4pm-9pm.
  4. Hes' a good painter. lel... http://www.ebay.com/itm/George-Zimmerman-original-painting-/111239922810?pt=Art_Paintings&hash=item19e66a847a
  5. Too bad that style of music went out 60 years ago... lol
  6. Theist - Someone who believes something exists A Theist - Someone who doesn't believe something exists. Agnostic - Unsure of what to believe in. But as stated, a real god wouldnt allow this shit to happen in the first place. But its probably some sort of "test".
  7. My ex GF opened her legs. Sorry. Ill give her a call and tell her to close them.
  8. Interesting. I have never heard of this before. Too bad im about 5 miles outside their zone. Purchased anyways. Ill probably forget by the next time i need a taxi (which is like once every 4 years) Edit, started reading through the reviews on my phone. Apparently the app is a data mining nightmare. Uninstalled.
  9. Did you end up going? I was going to go Saturday afternoon but the shit turned to rain and i wasnt feeling like riding in the rain. How was the snow?
  10. Colorado has some of the strictest gun control laws in the country. See where that gets us??
  11. I was thinking more along the lines of oppression, but that works too.
  12. An attempt to brainwash his audience?
  13. The older ones were. Most of the modern Audis you see on the road are pigs. It would take one hell of a suspension to get a b5-current audi to do well off the tarmac.
  14. again: http://i.imgur.com/XRwlkNW.gif
  15. Crazy how you can see the bullet traveling through the air making an arched trajectory.
  16. MY plan is to go in the evening after the snow has fallen. Theyre running some wonky hours right now and are only open until midnight on friday and saturday. So were not sure if a midnight madness pass is going to be available, or an extended PM pass, or what.
  17. You would be correct: http://i.imgur.com/IttU7ti.png
  18. Do you have a season pass? What is a lift ticket during the week pm? (im too lazy to look)
  19. Here we go again... For this weekend. http://forums.accuweather.com/uploads/post-12737-1386761574_thumb.png So about that trip to mad river....
  20. Rode at mad river last night. Excellent conditions for this early in the season. Ryan, why have we not gone yet????
  21. Everything about this screams good idea.
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