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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. Not sure if we should be laughing at this, or shitting our pants... http://i.imgur.com/iCrWdei.gif
  2. http://tdsrefugeepub.phpbb3now.com/users/11/43/34/smilies/jsboom10.gif
  3. Keeps me entertained throughout the day. *shrugs*
  4. They said they will be open tomorrow 4-930, saturday and sunday from 10-930.
  5. I wish they were open for midnight madness tomorrow. I was gonna go tomorrow evening after all the snow was done but i dont think its going to happen. Theyre only open from 4-930 tomorrow and i dont even get off work until 4. It will be a good hour and some just getting there plus i gotta let the dog out before we go.
  6. http://www.erh.noaa.gov/iln/precipgraphics/StormTotalSnowWebFcst.png http://i.imgur.com/MXUg1Cq.gif
  7. DAYUM http://www.hpc.ncep.noaa.gov/wwd/day2_composite.gif
  8. Hot off the press: http://forums.accuweather.com/uploads/post-12737-1386125328_thumb.jpg
  9. Its also worth noting this is only one of 3 systems rolling through our area over the next 5 days. There is another "wave" as theyre calling it, moving through sunday into monday. My best guess is this will be an icing even as the models are showing rain, but with several inches of snow on the ground keeping surface temperatures below freezing, the rain is going to freeze on contact. Gross.
  10. ECMWF is generally overdone on snow totals. Its algorithms have issues counting the snow that melts on contact before the snow actually starts sticking. What this model is good for is determining where/when the snow is going to fall. Last snowfall we got about 2/3 of what the ECMWF was predicting.
  11. It gon snow at the end of the week. http://www.reactiongifs.us/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/excited_stewie_family_guy.gif Latest NAM/GFS maps: http://i.imgur.com/kPMmtsX.jpg CMC Map: http://models.weatherbell.com/cmc/2013120312/conus/cmc_snow_acc_conus_20.png Euro map from earlier: Current probs for >1" by saturday morning: http://i.imgur.com/BGjIHWd.png
  12. How cheap? I usually only go on friday's during Midnight Madness when its only $20 for college students.
  13. FUck yes. ill likely be up on sunday.
  14. Easy there killer. I purchased a 32" "BF Junk tv" 7 years ago from Walmart and its never skipped a beat. I still use it every day. Anyone who spends $1300 bucks on a 50-55" tv at the end of 2013 is a moron.
  15. Nice try, guy who also wants dat.
  16. It will be done and over with by wednesday afternoon. Roads should be completely cleared by thanksgiving. I see no reason for them to try to leave early.
  17. Maybe the derp that screwed the plate on didn't center it?
  18. http://i.imgur.com/qnoDrb3.png http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/dafoe.gif
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