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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. What, dont want to ship it to India and deal with wire transfers?
  2. Late 2008. Fantastic deal here.
  3. CL or bust. Unless you want to go new. You gotta be quick on CL. When i picked up my table saw i called the dude no more than 20 minutes after it was posted, and by the time i went to pick it up an hour later he said he had several calls between then. The tools section of CL is loaded with people looking to flip shit, mostly pawn shops.
  4. Avoid Best Buy and any other pre-built systems. They usually come with loads of bloatware. Unless, you buy a prebuilt system then reinstall using the VLK on the side of your box. Microcenter > BB
  5. [Flame Suit On] I picked up the HF tap and die set a while back and have used it several times without any issues. Not sure if it has the m2 size you are looking for, but worth a shot.
  6. a land far far away. aka California.
  7. Nice area up this way. Good luck.
  8. So anyone ordered anything yet? Seems the selection for purchase is somewhat slim and not all that cheap.
  9. I believe he is referring to a generation behind yours/ours. Kids in their teens/tweens are going to be so fucked when they grow up.
  10. Googling Harold Freshwater yields some interesting results. National lime and stone out on section line rd might be able to help you out. http://www.natlime.com/Aggregates/SandandGravel.aspx
  11. You horrific bastard. I LIKE IT.
  12. Somewhat of a long shot, but does anyone want to sub for me at 3pm today in Delaware? We need a 5th guy to field a team. Probably first base so just need to be able to catch the ball. Its co-ed rec fun league.
  13. total of 5 speakers. 3 indoor, 2 outdoor. No sub. I found this http://www.ebay.com/itm/2CH-200W-Power-HiFi-Stereo-AMP-Amplifier-Car-Home-MP3-FM-Audio-Player-Mini-US-/222084922021?hash=item33b54afaa5:g:vW4AAMXQUmFSgZaS Should do everything i need it to. been keeping an eye out but no luck. i may have to look into this. Thanks for the suggestion. I already have a portable bluetooth speaker that puts out good sound, but im looking for something permanent.
  14. The house we moved into in December came equipped with several ceiling speakers sprinkled throughout the house. All speaker wires were pulled back up into the ceiling and left by the previous owners. In addition to these ceiling speakers, I want to add a set of out door speakers for our patio. The question is, what is the best way to drive these speakers? Realistically, just an aux input would do, but obviously you cant just solder an auxiliary input to speaker wires. Ideally, id like to tie both sets of speakers into one unit and be able to switch between indoor, outdoor, or both at the same time. I could use a big honkin receiver, but those are unsightly unless hidden in a closet or cabinet. Not really looking for some million dollar set up, just something to get me going.
  15. jeffro

    NFL Draft

    First time watching the draft. Damn this shit is boring. Too slow.
  16. Pic of motor nameplate might help some folks out.
  17. Rural king is just up the road. Spray this everywhere or just on the dandes?
  18. Link to the stuff youre buying?
  19. Me too man. Several years ago the city came thru and installed sewer lines on my street. The area they dug up is just loaded with dandelions. See below. http://i.imgur.com/plxeQK4.png I could cut my grass at 8pm and by 8am the next morning theyre 8" tall again. Looks like shit. Would i be best just killing everything and reseeding?
  20. Cleaned everything and put it back exactly as I found it. When I got home today I decided I was gonna tear it down again but just for shits and giggles pulled the cord just to see. Bam, fired right up and ran perfectly for 20 minutes I used it. No idea what was preventing it from starting but all I good, for now.
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